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Evaluating students

Evaluating students progress should be done per assignment. This can give the instructor a better idea of what type of learner they are.

Personalizing teaching to individual students

Each student has different learning styles, if you can personalize do it if you can't give out assignments that pertain to all students.

Using different methods of teaching like games in medical terminology

I find that using different techniques especially for medical terminology that these different games or approach will engage the students more

Instructor learning

An instructor can learn information on the subject matter every module which help when teaching it a few times make the subject matter more interesting as the modules go by.

Instructor learning

An instructor can learn information on the subject matter every module which help when teaching it a few times make the subject matter more interesting as the modules go by.


I like the idea of the DOTS for my own use as an instructor. It gets busy trying to have all of my students complete their "skill assessment check-off" lists. I think being able to quickly scan the classroom to see the status of completion, rather than having to stop, ask, and do a head count, would be a great time saver. It might also help those few students who like to wait until the last 10 minutes of class to complete a skill get selected to complete it earlier in the day.

teaching methods and strategies

I think using the bingo would be good for my group of students who are learing ICD-9, CPT and HCPCS coding. I think this would work quite well and be enjoyable by the students

Terminology Games

I enjoy using terminology games such as Jepordy, wheel of furtune,etc. because it keeps the students engaged in learning and competition. They love it.

RE: Students w/Disablities

Any methods or techniques for students that are either hearing or visually impaired?

RE: Smaller Classroom Activities

What additional activities can you integrate within a smaller classroom setting (6-10 seats)? But still make it very active, safe, and fun...

learning styles

In a class of 40 students I find it difficult to accommodate all students and their learning styles. If anyone has this challenge please let me know what you have done.

Adult vs. Adolescence Learning and Intergration

Starting to see a great divide! Made several attempts "mixing" groups (intro courses), but at times certain students still feel left-out, disengaged, or display a separatist/independent attitude. I do have quite a few combat veterans intermixed within several younger generational groups, but still see very slow progress of classroom interaction from student-to-student. What is there to do?


Staying in touch with students that have graduated is very important. The first year after graduating is scary for them because they are still not very sure about how things are going to be out in the work world. Sending a reminder to them is a great way to encourage them and give them the confidence they need to persevere through any obstacle they encounter. It is definitely a technique I will be using in my classroom.


I am a person who likes to try new things and I love the section I read about shifting your focus. Realizing that students learn in different ways and doing something about it is what teachers should be doing on a continuous basis. There is something new that can be learned everyday. However, when others who are not as opened minded about change try to discourage that teacher, what can a teacher do to stay excited and motivated about being a part of the students educational journey?


Afer reading this section it has become increasingly clear that I need to find out what kind of learner I am. I have learned that teachers tend to teach the way they are taught. I realize that I need to change my whole mind set about the way I am teaching in order to educate my self as well as my students.


I love the analogy of each character and what motivates them to learn. I think instructors should determine how their students learn at the beginning of their educational journey and then use that information to enhance their learning experience. Is there a specific test the students can take to deterimine which catagory they fall into? If so where can I find those resources?


If an instructor is not willing to step out of their comfort zone to learn something new that instructor will never grow as an educator. If I see that a technique I am using to teach my students is not working I will find a different way to reach them. I also ask the students to think of new ways that might help them learn a new skill or technique. It helps them to feel their opinion matters and it keeps them involved in the class.


Encouraging students to develope songs, acronyms or poems are great ways for them to learn skill sets and anatomy. Medical students benefit more from exercises like these because they really associate with that kind type of learning style. It works great!


Students sometimes experience a cultural shock when they are placed in a clinical environment. How do instructors prepare them for dealing with employees in the clinical setting? Especially those who are not student friendly.


I like the analogy of the teaching wheel. Helping students to remember where suupplies are kept and also what the supplies are that are needed for certain procedures is benefical for the students and their patients.