Monica Seneker

Monica Seneker

About me


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I have had my class play Jeopardy with their medical terminology. It has worked well and they seem to enjoy it!
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I have used this method and it works well, however, my learners are at the end of their coursework and I'm looking to step it up..any ideas as to how I can best prepare them for their certification exam?
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As my students prepare for their certification exam, I am working on new ways to help them recall and remember the information. Does anyone have any great ideas. There is a lot of information to cover in a short timeframe.
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By the time my students get to my class they are in the final phase of their program. I am trying to find a way to help them recall all that has been learned in their coursework to help prepare them for their certification exam. Short of tests that review what they've learned from day 1, I am looking for better ideas.
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My daughters struggled with learning disorders and I learned a lot walking with them though their challenges. It's all about open and honest communication. No one is "not college material" if they're determined to succeed they certainly can.
As someone who went back to school later in life, I really related to this segment. Adult learners relate far more to real world application than abstract theories. This is something I always keep in mind while teaching a non-traditional student body.
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I really liked this segment as group activities are some of the most beneficial for me as a student so I love incorporating them into my curriculum. It's really important to maintain balance in groups and make sure everyone is being heard.
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I found the bit on eye contact especially helpful. Often when lecturing it's awkward when you make eye contact with someone who is obviously uncomfortable with it; but those are often the students that need to be the most engaged for retention.
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It was helpful to read about streamlining clerical tasks. I know it's easy to get preoccupied with these and end up being less efficient that I could've been if I were to do them all at one time
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It was helpful to read about task prioritization and how being too high-strung or "immediate" can also be a hindrance to quality instruction. Personally, I struggle more w/ that than procrastination.

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