Jose Rivera

Jose Rivera

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I tend to support Howard Gardner's theory of learning. In my classroom I have been involved with many learning styles because I have older and younger students that require different classroom teaching strategies in the classroom. Some students have demonstrated strengths in some areas and some have not. Some of my students enjoy reading, standing in front of a class and providing lectures on certain topics, other student's enjoy computations, while others learn better with pictures and graphics. I try to create a medium for learning in my classroom. To my surprise it works because I use different tools and… >>>

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At our college campus we provide education to all different generation of students, especially the generation "Y" students.The instructors here are totally active with this generation and are always available to engage with the learning process when asked to do so. We have found that all the different generation of students starting from the generation "Veteran" groups and ending with the generation "Y" groups are eager to learn and have accepted our strategies in critical care development. We are a team and have many activities to engage our students. I find that understanding my student's generation, their past educational experiences,… >>>

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An instructor should frequently praise his or her students. When an instructor praises a student,it can only motivate the student to do better in his or her course work. For example, if a student does not understand the reading material completly, praise the student for his or her efforts and help the student understand the reading material. This motivation strategy will lead to improving the student's learning process.
I think critical thinking expresses our values, our objectives, and assumptions. It involves expression and observations of a thinker.

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