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Flipping the Classroom


Has anybody tried the 'flipping the classroom' teaching model/delivery style??

In his 2009 paper, Eric Mazur (2009) outlined his teaching delivery model that might be useful for the delivery of the adult learning.

Essentially, Mazur conducts minimal delivery but instead provides the learners with problems to think about individually and then discuss in small groups.

"provides frequent and continuous feedback (to both the students and the instructor) about the level of understanding of the subject being discussed"

Eric’s theorem links in with a current buzzword in teaching practice titled ‘flipping the classroom’ essentially where the instructor gives the learners new material such as a classroom based task/problem and/or a reading/video (YouTube link etc.) task. The following lesson, class time is used to carry out the assimilation of the knowledge and the instructors role is facilitate discussion, debates and problem-solving mini sessions.

Any suggestions or prior knowledge using this teaching approach would be welcomed.

Thank you in advance


I have not read Eric Mazur but this sounds much like the case study method, or a variation of it.  This always works well if you have enough time for students the read the case study.


No, I have not , but would like to know more about it.


Valerie Maze

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