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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

What a Chapter

There was a lot of good information in these modules. They seem like information we should have already known, but how many of us have forgotten some of the littlest details that can make that much of a difference?

What a great lesson!

loved this training :)


Retention is a part of any successful business today and starts from the very beginning. As educators we have the responsibility of teaching course material and life lessons but also having a passion for what we are doing and that will include caring for students. If we believe in the core values for UTI retention is not something we have to work very hard at.

Making learnings fun for retension

I always have a breakdown of the events of the day with my class,at the end of the day we talk about the good the bad and the ugly. Good being things they did very well and how that would relate to the industry. Bad would be a time when the students are allowed to explain any mistakes that they may have made while performing the tasks that were taught, I explain that we can't possibly make all the mistakes by ourselves so if we can learn from other peoples mistakes so that we don't make them we all win,… >>>

Using application as a retention tool.

I often share my work experiences with the class so they can see the relevance of what we are learning.  I try to learn what interests the students about their particular careeer choice and incorporate it in the lesson. 


The information in this module was very helpful.  I had not been provided this type of information before.  Knowing the cause of the stressors and how they can effect a students motivation will allow me to be more supportive.  It would also be useful to have a list of resources for students such as a peer-to-peer group for students with similar issues to talk about them, support each other and help each other to develop solutions. 


Retention starts the first day the student walks through your classroom door! I always try to be there the first day and every day to meet and greet with the student when they first walk in. this makes them feel more at home and seems to comfort them so that they can talk to you, should they have any questions or concerns.


I have just started RT101 and realized that it would be beneficial to have a discussion group forum during the course and not reserved for comments after completion.  I think the interaction would create more engaging opportunities for participants. The sames rules for retention could be applied to faculty who are seeking continuing ed credits.

Group ideas

It's great for the faculty to share ideas regarding what they have used in the past to make the students experience much better in regards to the school and the instructor. I use this frequently.


Thank you!

Retention is key to completion

Sometimes the instructoe has to give personal examples of tough times; students like to see the "human" side of an instructor. I am wary of revealing too much, but I use examples from my life to get students insight into the ups and downs everyone has. Students belive that life is easy for others. Since students reals much in English essays this is a natural process.

Retention: It is important that all participate!

I knew retention was important but this course actually made me stop and think about more ways in which I can be of assistance in this process.  By our actions we all can affect the way a student perceives the school and it's curriculum.  I have taken away some very interesting ideas for my future classes.

Break the ice!

Welcome to the brand new Retention Performance Group! Simply put, this is the 80-20 rule in action! It’s probably safe to say that 20% of development is through formal training and 80% is through informal learning. We learn by doing and by sharing. So let’s get our learning community for Retention started. Who is going to break the ice?


Retention Is It Our Job

Retention, is it our job? Absolutely. We must do everything we can to help our students choose the right career and to help them know what job possibilities are out there for that particular field of interest.


Orientation is also essential in a student's understanding of the expectations of the school and/or the classroom.

We Must Listen To Our Students

Listening to our students and helping them in any way we can is as important as the information we are trying to teach them.

Students are the reason we exist

As educators, we are beholden to our students for our existence.  Without them, we have nothing.  Therefore, it is imperative for us to be organized, professional and caring.  This way, our students will learn (the ultimate objective of our jobs) and leave our institutions with the knowledge, talent and skills necessary to be productive and informed citizens. 

Retention Matters

It should be obvious the importance of retention. Most schools factor in that some students are not cut out for academia. I reality, our business should be about helping those who least expect the earn a college degree. This should be the challenge or goal for all schools. If we are reaching out to them, then we must be doing something right.

Retention is a win win situation.

The student is school revenue, your product and represents the quality and effort toward the workforce. When the student is successful the school gets recognition and others want to attend. The employer is happy and the student becomes a productive citizen. This would not happen without retention.


We have two customers, the student and the employer.  It is important that we retain and train the student in order to please the employer.  Of course being in proprietary ed we do not have any choice.  As we watch the retention numbers dip down we can hear the FEDs howling for our charters.  Retention will always be an issue but by working as a team we hope to improve them.


I feel students must be treated as a customer and they need to know they are important. Giving them great customer service and getting to know them while attending school can make a world of difference in retention. People do not like to feel as if they are just a number. Saying hello in the hallways or stopping and listening to them makes them feel important. By doing these small things can also provoke the student to continue to refer your school.