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Have you bookmarked a web site/page on your browser that you find helpful in your professional work? Do you use an online resource/tool/video that you've found useful for your work? Simply grab the URL and add it as a bookmark so your peers can also benefit from your collected resources. And make sure to describe the resource and solicit comments to maximize learning and outcomes.

Learning to Learn in the Career College Curriculum

Performance TV Interview: Dr. Paul Bao, Chief Academic Officer of Anthem Education Group, shares his perspective on the importance and place of "Learning to Learn" in the curriculum of career colleges and universities. He speaks about how this strategy is implemented at Anthem, including the addition of courses focusing on study skills, time management, critical thinking, management of financial resources, communication and ethics.

Encouraging Student Participation

Tips and steps to consider to get students to engage and participate.

Are they students or customers?

As I was reading the lesson, I found an interesting article on the NY Times News Blog. Stated :

"Schools or colleges have two purposes as far as students are concerned.  The first is to educate.  The second is to place students in challenging and well-compensated positions after they graduate so they can use their educations to build careers and lives. Along with the quality of the faculty is the effectiveness of the job-placement office. The university is society’s gatekeeper.  Students see degrees as tickets of admission to the big show."


Have resources availalbe for students dealing with stress.