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Customer Service

Customer services is becoming increasingly important in the educational sector. Positive engagement that fosters increased student satisfaction, enhanced learning and communication is essential in making sure the student experience is perceived as excellent.    

Como la automatización ayuda a la retención?

La retención de estudiantes es un aspecto fundamental en cada uno de los departamentos de una institución educativa y para que una institución tenga exito tambien es fundamental prestar atención a la automatización el cual juega un papel crucial por que  mejora la eficiencia y efectividad de cada tarea. Actualmente, disponemos de software que proporciona respuestas rápidas y precisas a las necesidades de los estudiantes, contribuyendo significativamente a su satisfacción y éxito académico.

Students not engaged

What are some ways to engage students that seem so slip through the cracks especially when online?

How to get students to follow policies

How do you get Students to follow policies and procedures without losing them.


Becoming involve and assisting will always help1


It is important to remind the student of the accomplishments and celebrate Graduates


It is important to remind the student of the accomplishments and celebrate Graduates

Student Retention

I have discovered it takes a village it is not the sole responsibility of one individual but the responsibility of everyone involved to create a strong support group. When it comes to retention

Student Retention

What are some of the most encouraging things a Teacher, Advisor, or some other Mentor gave during college that stuck with you today?

Student Retention

It is a huge decision to continue the education process it is exciting and can be scary also. It is important to remember what college was like when we were once students. There will be times when you question or doubt yourself, it is good to have a person cheering you on at times like this. It is good to have a reminder when things get tough anything worth having is worth working towards. Keep your eye on the Prize and stay focused.


Any suggestions that would help me apply what I've learned so far?



Paying Attention

Its important for us to never forget that a simple hello and a few questions such as how are things going helps student students to feel connected. 

Student Retention

Each member at ECPI has a duty to engage ind "Student Retention" it starts with us and being actively engaged in the lives of the students. Providing each student with the tools they need to be successful and making learning fun and being engaged with the each student and their academic needs.


How do you get your colleagues to reach out to students?

Everyone at the school from the receptionist to the admissions to the instructors and even the janitorial staff has a role in helping maintain student retention.  I have been in many work situations where folks indicate that "is not their job," but retention is everyone's job.  As a student services representative, it is disconcerting when we lose students based on the fact that they felt they were not listened to and that their concerns were not addressed.  It seems that communication breaks down and questions are not asked to find out what the issue is as to why students are not succeeding.  Case in point, a student reached out saying that they could not get into their student portal and when the IT kept addressing the issue via email, the student was not able to get what they needed.  The case of the matter is that the student did not mean portal, but meant LMS.  Once the phone call was made, the issue was resolved and the student was able to get what they needed.  But it took several attempts on the part of numerous people to see what she actually needed.  Unfortunately by this time the student was already behind and ready to quit. Better training is in place to avoid these issues, but it boils down to communicating directly with the student and asking questions. 

Many folks feel that the email mode of communication is sufficient to reach everyone, but as educators, we recognize that the learning styles of all students do not lend well to that.  Some folks really need to hear and see how things are done, and not just told. I use teams quite a bit to meet with students to show and tell them how to find things in their courses.  The personal touch and guiding them through the process in the LMS by having them open various links help them interact better with the learning system.  It is important that folks go beyond just the email to reach students and not assume that just because they sent the email, it doesn't mean that the student understood what they meant.  I don't mean that we call each student, but when students reach out to a department a second time for an issue, then we need to call to continue to open the lines of communication.  

Student services

What should student services do if there is a problem occurring?


when you in a classroom teaching what do you do if?


A student gets out of line and starts yelling and gets completely out of control 

Working with Narcissist's

How do you work with  Supervisors that believe their role is to point out mistakes and make you accountable without giving you guidance and reassurance on the good work you have done.

Customer Service

Customer Service is not just providing answers, but it's the face of the company.

Blind Spots

It's true there are blind spots but one must try harder to look around first prior to complaining. 

Preventing Stress

How does your school identify student's who are experiencing stress?  Do you quantify this risk in any way?