Feedback whether positive or negative can help an instructor know how their teaching skills are. And rubiCSR can help access the students progress.
Rubrics can help to motivate the students.
Gloria this was my first time hearing about megerubric along with a student rubric. I found this unot to be very interesting.
I have never heard of a metarubric before. What a fantastic resource.
I did not know there was a process to evaluate rubrics
That the rubric can be evaulated by both the students and other instructors and the combined feedback can be used to improve it.
the megarubric is a useful tool,enhancing and modifying the rubric is important.
Rubrics greatly improve student learning.
Feedback is a big part of the rubric whether it's helping you assess the rubric to see if it provides what you need, allowing you to give students feedback through the rubric or having student input on it's implementation.
That there are some general mega rubrics that allow evaluating the micro rubrics or the more specific ones used. They can contain general or common aspects to all other rubrics
As an instructor you should not only use rubics, He the instructor should choose to use it not only for it's components and design this will give the students an idea of how they are doing. Not only are they finishing and learning on a lab, but they have valuable feedback as well.
Bringing students into helping with making the rubric can enhance student motivation, interest, and performance.
THAT IN ENSURING RICH FEEDBACK "Feedback is provided through the evaluation of student work. This evaluation is not something instructors should do "to" the students, but something they should do "for and with" their students. Feedback is essential to the learning process and should provide students with relevant information."
Rich feedback is detailed and descriptive.
I learned When developing a rubric you are looking at content, clarity, usefulness and reliability.
Once again reliability is key in developing rubrics
I was not aware of metarubrics, but having the ability to evalidate rubrics ensures that the tools we use are effective and valid. Having students involved in the production of rubrics helps students and instructors be clear and develop rapport with each other.
How metarubics can help if you have never developed one. Asking students to be be part of the development of a rubic as a group.
Use the Metarubric to evaluate your rubrics for content, clarity, usefulness and reliabilit/validit.
Reliable and valid rubrics should have the same end result if another instructor was grading the same student.