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Is was really useful to know how the metarubric works and i have to be awared to acomplish every objective in a metarubric evaluation.

Since it's important that rubrics got well done content, clarity, usefulness and reliability, metarubrics are a great way to achieve it. Never heard of it, but sounds like a great way to deal with rubrics.


I agree with you, metarubric shoul be done yearly.

As I understand Metarubric has evaluate content, clarity, usefullnes and validty.

In my reply to the last unit, I mentioned conducting a test where teachers graded the same papers using the rubric (to test reliability). I was pleased to see that come up here. I also thought that getting students to provide feedback about a rubric coming up for review was excellent! I often have students complain about rubrics and getting that feedback will make the rubrics better.

Nancy Tosh

It is vital to the success of the rubric to ensure its reliability.

I'm excited to learn more about expanded use of rubrics and metarubrics for not only course work/learning outcomes but also other evaluations, peer, etc.


I had never heard of metarburics before. It is like the 4Cs of a diamond. Use the content, clarity, usefulness, and reliabilty/validity scales to determine if the rubric should be kept, revised, or tossed out. It will help in determinimg the rubric to be used for any given course.

Providing sufficient detail for clarity is essential when creating a rubric


In this module we learned about content, reliability and most importantly metarubics.  Basically reliability is key to a good rubric!


I think the part about having students review the rubrics and provide feedback is interesting. I utilize student surveys of instruction, but I've never really asked for any feedback regarding their perceptions of the grading rubrics themselves. I think there is potential value in recieving that feedback.

As educators we should strive to perfect our rubrics through inter and intra-rater reliabiliy in order to ensure learning on the behalf of both the student and teacher. Involving students in the rubric creation process is a great way of engaging them in the curriculum as well as convincing them to put forth their best-efforts in the learning environment.

Meta rubrics can be a useful tool to evaluate the validity of rubrics one may choose to use.  Furthermore, being able to adapt to changes to ensure accurate measuring of criteria will greatly enhance learning. 

As an online instructor it is important to bring students into the assessment process because it enhances student motivation, student interest, and student performance. In addition, when students are involved in the assessment process they have better understanding of what is expected of them in their learning. 

I found this interesting: Bringing students into the assessment process can enhance student motivation, interest, and performance.

The validity and reliability of a rubric makes it easier for students to understand the fields that are being evaluated. Furthermore, these aspects allows students to understand the course outcomes being evaluated. 

It is essential that rubrics are designed to measure what they should be evaluating (validity), but also that no matter who uses the rubric, the same score would be obtained (reliability).

I had never heard of  metarubrics. I can see how they would help to create rubrics.

How can you ensure your assessments provide accurate feedback?

  • Step 1: Deconstruct the standards.

  • Step 2: Align items and levels of thinking.

  • Step 3: Create valid and reliable assessments.

  • Step 4: Take items to the next level with rigor and relevance.

  • Step 5: Make assessment part of planning … not an afterthought.





it is important to look out outcomes to the rubric

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