Joyce Hladky

Joyce Hladky

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I can see the use of Twitter in the online classroom as an opportunity for students to take advantage of microblogging, but also as an opportunity for students to follow professionals in their field of study.  This could be a valuable learning tool.



Joyce Hladky, Instructor


I have learned that I will likely want to consider adding a blog to some of my classes.



Joyce Hladky, Instructor


There are various social media tools that can prove useful to the instructor in incorporating it into their course.  The suggested tools were TeacherTube, SchoolTube, iTunesU, and YouTube Edu, which I will research to learn more and to apply these as I enhance the social media that is already included in my classes.



Joyce Hladky, Instructor


Use of Social Media is very prevalent today and increase the use of it in a learning environment, the online classroom, is a great way enhance student learning.  It also teaches them how to appropriate conduct themselve and their comments/conversation in this environment.




Joyce Hladky, Instructor


Since online learning is self directed, I believe an organized format that is easy for students to follow is critical to a student's success and to retaining students in an online learning environment.



Joyce Hladky


Immediate feedback to students on tests, quizzes and all assignments is essential to their learning, particularly on points that they missed the mark.  It is important to give them specific feedback with the correct answer and application.  It is also essential for the instructor to keep the door open for students to contact them with questions or when they need assistance.



Joyce Hladky


I am reminded of the importance of guest speakers and the value they bring to the classroom and the online environment.  I plan to apply this by looking for opportunities to include guest speakers with "real world experience" in my online classes.



Joyce Hladky


It is important that students can easily navigate the course and find the learning modules with ease right off the start.  Additionally, well placed announcements to guide the student in starting the class is helpful as well.  Secondly, as an instructor, I want to ensure that I am connecting with my students right away, via email, phone call, and/or text message to troubleshoot any initial questions the student may have as he/she begins the class.


Joyce Hladky



I found value added assessment very interesting and useful.

Very interesting section on assessmemts and the difference between subjective and objective assessments.

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