Metarubrics are rubrics for rubrics. Students can be involved in creating a rubric for an assignment which is intended to increase motivation and further understanding of how they will be graded.
you must always try to improve on your work.
Instructors should revise rubrics.
I am going to need help from students to improve rubrics. This will be difficult, because I can't get them to use the rubrics I currently have.
metarubrics tool is essentially a rubric for a rubric to ensure it is meeting the criteria and goals for student
I find the following good questions to ask when designing a rubric,
To ensure rubric reliability, instructors should ask themselves the following questions as they are developing assessment rubrics and, if possible, test and re-test the rubric prior to implementation.
Are all scoring categories well defined?
Are all scoring categories connected to learning outcomes?
Are all scoring categories associated with clear criteria?
Are there clear differences between the criteria (i.e., expert, intermediate, novice)?
Would two different instructors using the rubric arrive at the same score when assessing student work?
It is important to evaluate the quality of rubrics on an ongoing basis just like instructors need to evaluate the course content and delivery. I believe using a colleague's input / evaluation of my rubrics may be useful.
I have learned that rubrics are a grading tool. These still have to be interpreted by instructors. If I have had a particular student in the past and have my own expectations of what this student is capable of would I score them with needs improvement even though this might be exemplary for a different student?
Metarubrics are quite a boost to success in learning.
They seem to be in place to eva;uate the effectiveness of the assessment tools. This way they can determine if the items being measured are really what are important to an assignment.
I will be investigating some of the metarubrics online.
Student involement inrubric development is a new concept for me. I will try it out.
I learned that metarubrics are designed to evaluate rubrics.
A metarubric is used to evaluate rubrics to be sure that they are valid and reliable. They should be used periodically to ensure the rubrics that you are using are still valid.
I learned there are many ways to develop rubrics, and the process never stops when it comes to improving and refining rubrics. However, at this point I am not convinced that allowing students to develop rubrics is the best practice. There are other ways to incentivize students without ceding so much control.
When giving feedback it should be descriptive feedback. Rubrics should be modified and enhanced as necessary.
Feedback is important to students so that they can develop their skills and improve their confidence with the content and topic.
I have used my own very simple rubric and I have learned how to create a more dynamic rubric that students can use to practically grade themselves. Furthermore metarubrics can be used to evaluate my rubrics.
Leaerning about metarubrics.
Reviewing and the revision process are an important part of building a rubric and getting it right.