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Rubrics are needed in assessing students knowledge and subject matter.

With a rubric the student can actually organizxe their thoughts, information and research before submitting assignment, not adding too many points will help them as they do not feel the pressure of trying to accomplish them all.

It is important to have an adequate number of objectives but not tomany as this could confuse the students.  

There are several important things that go into creating a rubric. 


I prefer analyticsl rdubrics for didactic assessment activities and holistic rurbric for clinical assisgments. Depending on the learning outcomes and steps to achieve requried criteria, a series of holistic rubrics can help students with further development of the end product with meeting competency

I really like the idea of peer-to-peer assessment.  This allows the student to obtain constructive feedback prior to submitting an assignment.  

 Enjoyed reading the information on building a rubric. It made me think of ways that I can incorporate this into my class as a scaffolding tool for my students. Itis important too see that that their work as a learning tool and not just another grade

Ruberics are a great method for motivation via self assesments and peer assesments.


I think using rubies to allow students to access themselves- is beneficial. I plan to implement in one of my projects in my current class.


Rubrics can help students with self and peer evaulation and feedback which in the long run will make the student a better learner.

I have used peer assesment and find it very valuable.  It also creates a little compitition between students which is also valuable if controlled and kept to a realistic level.  

How to recognize rubric mistakes to avoid

Assessments should be planned out proficiently.


A rubric is a helpful tool for peer assessment.

Planning out your rubric is important when creating it so that it is clear and concise.

In my experience self-assessments and peer-assessments are challenging requests for students, mainly because they do not have the acumen to provide the necessary feedback to succeed in assignments. For peer reviews of rough drafts I always provide an extensive checklist of criteria that I will use to grade students' final drafts. Every semester there is a group of students that go through the motions during the peer reviews, so they are unpleasantly surprised when final drafts are returned to them. 

Rubrics should not contain too many criterion or grade a quantitative behavior. It should be based on a certain learning objective rather than on how many times a student makes eye contact or uses a certain term.

Self and peer assessments using a rubric is useful in providing formative assessments to students.  This sounds like a very interesting concept that I want to try to incorporate in my courses as some future time.  I appreciate the value of using student perspective in the assessment process.  


Student centered peer and self assessment tools help provide the students with benchmarks beofre submitting the final product to the instructor. 

Rubrics provide for consistant grading.

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