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Issues when using rubrics can arise from them either not being developed correctly or not being explained correctly. If you can't look at it and see exactly what is expected, then it is ineffective and can cause more harm than good. I do have projects that are Pass/Fail (either it all works or it doesn't work) because that is more indicative of the real life application of the material, but I also use rubrics for evaluating projects where it can be broken down into clear parts.

Rubrics are judgments by a teacher. What one teacher finds the most important may be a minor component to another. Is it better to do it right or do it neeat? Will a teacher give or take points on how a student came up with the right answer?  Rubrics are not something you can just throw together.

I have learned that putting a name to something I have been doing for years can be quite confusing.


The concept of self-assessment and peer assessment through use of rubrics is interesting. I agree with self-assessment as students develop their assignments and perhaps do rough drafts.  I would hesitate to use peer assessment early in the course but would prefer to assess the ability of these students to interact and evaluate one another in healthy, constructive ways before utilizing peer assessment.

With our busy schedules it is sometimes impossible to do the following:

  • clear criteria; 

  • frequent feedback; 

  • informative feedback; and 

  • opportunities for self-assessment.

with students going off of there rubrics scores.


Rubrics help the instructor simplify grading and ensure consistency. Self and peer assessment is helpful in class to encourage student's competency and self relfection of peer assessment. Instructor can assess with trade expertise and encourage value of each item in rubric and how that will be helpful in recalling information for exams. 

I have rubrics on everyone of my assignment, but they may not be helping the students to grow.


The outcome to be be assessed by a rubric could be a performance, a process or a product. An analyticrubric would be used to assess a process, providing criteria for each step, and a holistic rubric should be used to assess a product. The rubric should be clear and fair, and give the opportunity for feedback from teach and peers and from self-reflection. In this way, the rubric might serve to highlight areas of strength and areas for development, and to show talents and learning styles. This could lead to use as a diagnostic assessment tool or might serve as an instructional tool.

The learning outcome should be clearly indicated on the rubric. This is something I will practice to help guide my students to the desired outcome.


they have many possible positive results.

Students can take part in creation and they can assess each other. That is a great way for them to learn from each other. 


Rubrics are key components of such assessment. The key components of assessment that enhances learning include clear criteria, frequent and informative feedback, and self-assessment opportunities. Through student-centered assessment, students become the users of assessment results. As a result, student-centered assessments can serve as instruction. feedback.


I learned that rubrics need careful thought when creating them because if not rubrics will not serve their intended effectiveness.  Having a complicated point system for example may confuse and frustrate the student. 


In this section, I learned that self and peer assessment can create constructive criticism and motivation to improve.  


Someting I really like about rubrics, and this module talked about it, was how rubrics can be used for self-assessment and peer-assement.  That way students can see for themselves what needs to be improved and can use it among their peers. 


It may be difficult to determine if, as an instructor, you are more interested in the final product or in the process of getting there.  The rubric must align with the outcomes you wish to achieve.

I learned that creating a rubric takes time and effort so that the student knows what they should do. Rubrics are meant to help and guide the students.


Through the use of rubrics, I would like to encourage students to self-assess and reflect on their learning successes and short-comings. I would like to see rubric feedback be a vehicle for improving study skills.


The success of using rubrics depends on the thought and planning that goes into creating them. Consider the student, the subject as well as the desired outcomes. 

I tend to have a range of points for each criterion and now I am rethinking - does that make it too subjective? On the other hand, there are often "perfect" and "close to perfect" results that would seem to be different and need the range of points. I hate to pull 5 points just because of one small error. 


Student can assess their own work or that of others.


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