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I know that some districts are not allowing their staff to use Zoom or other videoconferencing platforms for privacy reasons.  I think is Zoom would be a great way to communicate with students and establish relationships.  If the districts have to continue with remote learning, I hope they will consider allowing Zoom, Google Classrooms, etc. in the future.


To emphasize to students just how many different ways there are to communicate. there is truly something for everyone to meet their needs best

I have learned that it is important to consider all the pros and cons of each form of technology tool when considering what is best for communication in an online course.  It is also important to evaluate the effectiveness of the technology tool at the end of the course to ensure it was effective.


I now realize why the multiple feedback and input is so vital. Not only does it steer the instructions but it also enhance it to maximize the retention of important information. Communication is needed to ensure proper communication is taking place and needs are being met.


Interaction with students is importnat and can vary according to the need


The statments regarding "Email" being the way to communicate can be a bit misleading. As far as my HS students go, email is NOT their preferred way of communicating and I musty say that I have had varying degrees of responses from adults. 

There are many different communication platforms. The instuctor must choose the one that is more effective in online teaching.Using an end-course evaluation is an excellent way to obtain feedback from students about the entire communication proces.

I am planning to add a FAQ board to my online course in an effort to make communication more effective and efficient.  I plan to get feedback on the communication tools that I implement throughout and at the end of the course.


I would not feel too comfortable using social media platforms for class purposes. I would however use TeacherTube or other media such as Remind101. I feel it is important to keep records of all and any communications with students to avoid any conflicts. 

In developing a course, the use of technology can be an asset.  The key to evaluating the effectiveness of technology is to continue to monitor feedback from students to see if it is accomplishing what you originally intended it to do.  If it is not don't continue to use it in its current mode.  Be willing to either make adjustments to improve the effectiveness or abandon the use of that technology.  It is more important to have a successful outcome for the student than to hang onto "technology" for technology sake.


I appreciate the framework of questions to consider when chosing a format for communication.  I also appreciate reading some pros and cons that I may not have thought have myself.


There are many tools available to communicate with students.  As teachers we need to determine the need, research the options, select the best option for our situation, implement the tool and gather feedback during the course and at the end of the course.

It was helpful to know the difference between communication tools and the various uses of each.  The suggestion to give students "ground rules" for communication software is also helpful.


When assessing a technology communication tool, it's essential to examine how the technology impacts the communication process. Before you choose a tool, you should plan how to communicate with students or how you prefer they communicate with you or each other. 

So far i have learned to truly appreciate the times we live in. while we have been forced into a completely remote learning environment, it has allowed us to venture out and seek new on-line learning tools and methods of communication. 


As teachers, is it crucial to understand that we need to communicate with students through various channels in order to support a wide range of them. They may orefer one form than another, so we must be flexible too.

I love email and texting as great communicator tools and a way to connect with multiple or just one student.  I use these forms of communication all the time.  I had not thought of setting up a facebook group for my class - but that may be something to investigate.  Zoom and Google Meet have been my go-to large group communication tools since we left school and have worked well - but definitely need to communicate at the start of the course what the expectations are.


An instructor should always assess and relect on the effectiveness of all technology tools to ensure that they are used as effectively as they should be to improve the commmunication process.

I learned that a key to success is letting students know how often you expect them to check email, post responses, etc.  When we very abruptly transitioned to an online format thanks to COVID-19, I had not coached my kids in what I expected from them.  This resulted in many never answering any email or responding to posts/prompts (it didnt help that our district decided all virtual assignments were not to be graded or "count" for anything).  I wish I had set up some of the tools I am learning about to at least maintain a connection with my kids from the start.  I did start Google Meets when I could but (thanks to everything having to be vetted by district) that was after 4 weeks out and participation has been very low.

There are many different types of technology and communication devices that can be used in a virtual classroom. As the instructor, one must choose appropriately and evaluate the tool used to determine its usefulness for that particular course.


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