Anthony Goss

Anthony Goss

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When creating modules it's important that student have consistency when it comes to locating information, accessing information and or completing assignments.  It's also important to have someone other than yourself to review the modules created to ensure the information is easy to follow and comprehend.  


Anthony Goss

It's important to use rubics to grade outcomes utlizing a scale approach.  Rubics are not used for better communication.




As the instructor, I must teach students the importance of participating in their online learning experience.  I must ensure that students are responding in the discussion boards and participating in all aspects of class..



I've learned that I must set rules, expectations, boundaries and to make sure that my students understand that our interactions are extremly important for the class to be sucessful.  My availavlity and follow up is essential as well. 


It's important for the instructor to selected the ritght communication tool when communicating to their students'.   The communication tools have there pros and cons when they are used to communicate with a class.


I learned that pre assesments are extremly important inorder to conduct diagnostic assessments.  It's important to measure students pre existing skills/knowlege that students already have mastered.  The diagnostic assessment will provide students with quick  assessments at the beginging of the course..



When creating a rubic the instructor must focus on measuring student outcomes and have built in objectives related to quality and or pefrormance.


Criterion - Referenced assessments can be interpreded in different ways..    The instructor can compare the students test scores with performance standards and make a decision if the students meets a particular standard.

Instructor can illustrate a learning task their student is able to perform


I learned that Diagnostic assessement is based on students prior knowledge of a particular subject.  Diagnostic assessment becomes part of formative assessment that help improves student learning.

I learn it's important to obtain feedback from your students regarding the assessment process.  The instructor should also be aske the same questions as the students.  Wheter feedback is positive or negative this information will provide you on the next steps that need to be taken for the next schedule class

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