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There are many important keys in this section, but the most important key, to me, is prioritizing teaching online and your personal life. You must manage your time properly and set strict boundaries. It's important to ease your workload and stress levels.  A few things to help with that are; Organization (managing your workload), Discipline (blocking certain times of your week and weekends for responding to learners), Flexibility (selection of appropriate technology for your online course), and Distinguishing between work and personal life (set boundaries).

I realized there are a few things that I need to work on. Time management, rules and regulations and also quality feedback and making the most of your time. 

Work-life balance, something I always stress to myself as being very important to prevent burnout.  


Learning specific methods for managing overloads and good time mnagement skills are important.


Anticipating our roles as administrators will help save time when the course is up and running. The same time management and focus skills we provide the students are the ones we need to utilize as teachers. 


Being organized and letting students know up front what your expectations are is very important. Frequent communication increases one's online presence. Social nteraction is very important among students.

I have said for years that any degree is also a degree in organization. This has not decreased with technology but rather increased as file systems and hard copy paper forms have become digital. However, while most of us would not dream of having analog files in one stack in a corner and consider that organized, many do not consider their electronic system of organization with files, nesting, and ease of access a focus or priority. This not only needs to occur with the professor but that needs to be transmitted to the student, lest they are buried in the digital stack of readings, ebook, literature, writing assignments, and videos.


Time Management is key and there must be an extreme need to set a work-life balance along with block out times for research, assignment posting, and responses because without such workload management instructors are more likely to experience burn-out.


It is necessary to plan and manage your time, also important to set rules and boundaries.


Post clear expectations, objectives, and desired outcomes. Prioritize your time. Maintain a social presence.


Plan ahead. Time management is important.

Time management in personal and work environments will ensure a smoother teaching attitude. Setting specific work time to discuss students questions will help establish guidelines for students.

Workload Management Strategies for Teaching Online --> WLMS for Teaching Online

LMSs differ and the ADDIE (Access -Design-Develop-Implement- Evaluate is the simpilest form. Complexities in Online learning come from no F2F contact and can be asychronous causing communication to break down from Instructor to Student, Student to Instructor, and Student to Student. Focus needs to be maintained to keep Students and Istructor motivated keeping Visibilty/ Social Pressance is key and leadership is shown by being engaged and consistant setting good examples and sticking to time lines with good feedback.

Manage your time set your limits organize ! make sure your students understand your contact times because their is life after the day is done and you and your students don't burnout with an overload and neither do you

Plan well!


Increased social presence leads to increased student engagement and retention.


You must plan and have time management skills to be successful.

Without proper planning, things can be furstarted 


Planing ahead is so very important and make sure you have the proper amount of time to engaged in students. Commuication is always the key while making students feel connected to the online enviromnet. Must be flexible and understand things will happen with techolongy, it's importatnt to understand and work through the issues with grace.


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