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Course Revision and Improvement | Origin: EL103

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Teaching Online: A Student-Centered Approach --> Course Revision and Improvement

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Evaluation should be a continuing guideline.

I learned the importance of getting input from multiple stakeholders to guide changes/updates that improve my courses.

The value of multiple evaluations to identify success in a course but also to identify what needs revision

I learned that multiple evaluations are needed to ensure that your course is designed in the best way.

It is important to consider different types of evaluating students. This will give you a more broad understanding of what they have learned.

There are a number of ways to evaluate in order to gain valuable feedback to continue to revise and sharpen your information. It's important to get that feedback and actually utilize it to build a stronger course.

Thinking I really like the feedback/evaluation of the one-minute paper and the three clear and muddy points. using multiple forms of feedback will not only help my susccess as an educator, but the success of the student equally.

It was interesting to learn about the various methods for evaluating a course and closing the loop. There were many I had not yet considered and will likely implement.

Revisions can cause axiety, but the the only way to improve is to assess and compare. Thus it is a key aspect of teaching an online class. 

I liked the idea of using muddiest points as a form of exit ticket so that it was less about quizzing the students on what they know and more about allowing them to advocate for what they don't understand.

From this module, I have learned the importance of a comprehensive evaluation process in ensuring the quality and effectiveness of a course. Evaluation is not just about gathering feedback from students; it involves various stakeholders, including peers, institutional leaders, and the professional community, each bringing a unique perspective. 

Different feedback loops will provide valuable insight for course revision and updates. 

I gained from the "closing the loop" idea presented. If I do not see the link between "planning and assessment of student learning outcomes," I will not be able to effectively drive academic learning.

I learned that this Course Revision and Improvement allows continous improvement   

These types of course evaluation are already in place.  We have other avenues of evaluation also. 

I learned you must use many different tools for course revision that reflect what various stakeholders need.

Evaluating your students helps them know where they are at. Need to do this more. 

I learned that gathering input from various stakeholders is important to improve a course effectively. The feedback is essential, and you are not just relying on one form of course evaluation. In this way, you can make continuous changes that will allow improvements in the course and close the loop. 

We learned in this excellent module that we need to use multiple evaluations and multiple inputs in order to constantly improve our online courses. I plan to use more evaluation methods in my online courses to help with the key areas to improve student learning experiences, curriculum, professional development, and quality assurance, etc.

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