Gail Laubsch

Gail Laubsch

Location: indiana

About me

My name is Gail Laubsch and I have taught speech communication classes for 30 years. In the past 8 years, I have moved to teaching online exclusively. I enjoy what I do, especially having the freedom to teach while my husband and I RV across the country. We have three adult children and two small dogs. The dogs go with us when we travel and seem to enjoy it as much as we do. I look forward to engaging with all of you and sharing information. 


rv'ing, church, bingo, dogs


various business and communication skills.


I learned that managing online behaviors are really no different than managing brick and mortar behaviors in a traditional classroom. The online environment brings challenges for instructors and students, and I learned some proactive ways to manage these challenges.

I learned the important difference between asynchronous and synchronous learning, and when I should engage in each of them. 

I have learned that providing information about myself and making myself available to my students will make them feel more comfortable with me as an instructor. I always respond back to my students within a very reasonable period of time so that they know how important their emails are to me. 

I need to completely understand the CMS (LMS, as I was taught) and all related components. I need to make sure that I am available to my students and have access to all areas of the CMS where my input is required. Students have many ways to communicate with me during the term, and I can seek out those who do not communicate to engage them.

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