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people come to the institution for both intrinsic and extrinsic reasons based on what is available and accessible.

They are already sold on the idea that they made the right decision but after getting there, they may be thinking that they have made the wrong decision. As instructors we are not only teachers, we hold the key and it is up to us to use it. We can make worth their while, whilst we fulfill the expectations of all. 

Comment on diana molina's post

Hi Diana

Yes intrinsic motivation lasts longer but to me students and instructors motivation may be different but the instructor needs to g=find what works for that


Dr Ajmal

Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are helpful for optimal outcomes of students in the learning process. 

I have an Intrinsic motivation to teach my students.

Learned the difference from the two and will be working on applying them both.

Making the transition from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation is the essential role of an instructor!

It is good to know there is a purpose for extrinsic motivators until the intrinsic motivators can take over!

Extrinsic Rewards can lead to Intrinsic Motivators.

learning about intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. 

There are two motivators, extrinsic & intrinsic . Intrinsic Motivators are most effective and long lasting.

there are two types of motivators for adult learners, intrinsic and extrinsic

If the instructor is motivated the students will more likely be motivated. Intrinsic motivation can be jumpstarted if necessary by extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are both important for instructors to harness in the classroom.

I learned how Intrinsic motivators will help with my class

that we each have different motivators, and both can be effective

Using extrinsic motivators wisely until intrinsic motivation becomes a reality.

Intrinsic motivators are more effective, but extrinsic motivators are sometimes needed to begin with.

Instrinsic motivators are self-gratifying and do not require any other reward. Extrinsic typcially requires recognition, reward, grade, or certificate. Extrinsic can eventually lead to intrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation arises from external factors. 

Great presentation - I didn't realize that there were two types of motivators - extrinsic and intrinsic.

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