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Intrinsic  motivation lasts longer, whatever motivates instructor probably motivate students too 


Instrinsic motivation is a great tool

the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators

Instrinsic motivators are self motivated with no mitive but succes from with in.. Also Extrisnsic motivators are quality of people that eager recignition or incentives to achieve of goal or purpose.


Extrinsic motivators are good, but can be of limited value and overuse can have a negative effect. As an instructor I must find a way to stimulate intrinsic motivators in my lessons.


Intrinsic motivators are long lasting.  Student has the desire to succeed because of how they feel about their lesson, instructor, content,

Extrinsic factos are temporary- student is motivated and is seeking rewards .


I learned how students are motivated by both internal and external stimuli. Internal motivation is more enduring but external rewards serve a purpose as well. Some situations students are motivated by both.

great lesson plan

to much reward will not help gap the bridge from extrinsic to intrinsic


Intrinsic & Extrinsic are two terms that influence students and teachers

The value and purpose of each type of motivation and when they should/shouldn't be used.


I have learned that a motivator can be both intrinsic and extrinsic in nature.  I will try not to use extrinsic rewards as a long-term motivator in the future and I will try to balance both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators for students. 


People are generally motivated for two reasons, it makes them happy or it makes someone else happy.  So, using both intrinsic vs. entrinsic will only be beneficiall when determing what factor to use to motivate studens.

What was learned:
I learned that intrinsic motivators are internal to the person and extrinsic motivation is doing something to earn a reward. I used to believe that extrinsic motivation did not work, like offering extra credit or a prize etc. But from reviewing the training both motivation types are very useful.
I believe that it is great to help students focus on goals and achievements. For example, I have introduced students to tryhackme, which is a security game where students can learn and earn achievement badges. This approach has helped motivate students to learn and have the capacity to also see their intrinsic motivation grow as they grow confidence with the tools of the security trade.
I will continue to find ways for students to play and learn at the same time, and also help them with setting goals for their own learning and growth.

In our program extrinsic motivation is what brings people in but we have to find the intrinsic motivation in order to succeed. 

Like the reminder about how extrisnic rewards dirve behavior but might give temporary results and stduents could feel manipulated by those outer rewards 

Also, external rewards being used until the learner is intrinsically motivated was a good takeway

Intrisic motivators are things that students enjoy so they are more likely to complete those tasks. Extrensic motivators are awards or prizes.


This module taught me to ensure I remain motivated to encourage my students and hopefully promote instrinsic motivation to succeed in and out of the classroom.


Intrinsic motivators is our goal.  Using extrinsic motivators such as Kahoot serves to incourage students and help them to intrinsic motivation.


dont over reward a student


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