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General Strategies for Student Retention | Origin: ED102

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Student Retention Methods --> General Strategies for Student Retention

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This module taught me various strategies institutions can implement to improve student retention. I intend to apply these strategies by encouraging early intervention in my academic or professional setting by advocating for mentorship programs and supporting inclusive learning environments by promoting peer collaboration and engagement. I can contribute to a more supportive and successful learning environment by integrating these retention strategies.

I learned that we should require nothing less than the student's very best effort. We should let them know that we expect high quality work and that our classroom is an active learning environment.  Get know each and every student.  Have fun in your classroom.

It all comes down to keeping an respectful, secure, and engaging classroom setting. Maintaining an environment of respect within your class as far as student to student and teacher to student interactions. Making all your students feel safe to speak their mind, ask questions, and share ideas without fear of being ridiculed or feeling incompetent. Overall, finding ways to keep the class fun and interesting for the different learning styles you will encounter. Keeping away from the "dictator" approach and letting students help guide your teaching strategy to better fit their individual needs.

This training in my opinion shows how even seemingly small details can make a huge difference in the leaning process and environment for some students. This in some ways is also a metaphore for life in general, what is a seemingly small event in one person's day can be a huge event for someone else. 

Setting the tone for the classroom creating a upbeat fun working environment and learning students needs

I love being upbeat and engaging! Students feed off the instructors energy! Staying positive when teaching is key! 

I am concerned with the aspect of dealing with students of varying general education experience when that is not in the curriculum I will be teaching. This gives a good framework of working with students where they are and how to deal with them somewhat.

I also will be trying to emphasize moral and ethical decisions being in an aviation maintenance field, where taking shortcuts can literally kill.

Learning about the students, where they are, and what is going on with them, and applying that to encourage them in their work are all good tips for me as a new instructor. I am good at one way communication, telling a joking and presenting material, but personal interaction is a weakness. Learning about how important it is, and how much it can impact a student is very helpful. Also thinking about what made an impact in my educational career, and what instructors did that I appreciated helps.

Effectiveness and motivation will allow honest and with the student.

Starting class by being lighthearted, in addition to prepared and excited about the subject sets the tone for the day.

Adult learners want to relate their experience to the course content.

Student retention is important! We want everyone to start and finish the program they want to attend, by doing so you need to be transparent, honest, detailed, enthusiastic etc.

There are a lot of ways to meet student needs: be silly and creative at times, be open to student suggestions, get students involved, provide for their needs, examine your classroom space, treat them as adults and with respect, and more. It's a lot to juggle, but at the same time, it all comes back to WHY I am teaching and WHY they are there. Those things need to connect in several ways and at several levels, and I need to keep that in mind.

Create a fun learning environment. 

A positive learning environment is very important in order for students to feel safe and comfortable enough to actively participate in classes.

I like the idea of starting each class with something fun; a story or icebreaker may help.

My interactions with my peers and students matter just as much as the studetnts' interactions with me, each other, and the course material in creating a smooth flow to the classroom that is most conducive to learning and success.

It is nice to have lectures, but you must also have another component to your teaching too and that is application.  It is great that the student learns it but not so great if they can't apply what they have learned.  Providing encouragement and support to students will keep them interested in pursuing their journey to become a nurse.

I learned the importance of the human factor  encouraging the learning process. Giving daily feedback and acknowledgment boosts students confidence. Setting a fun and positive environment promotes learning. 

Daily greetings and telling a joke or asking someone to share a joke or story will help the class to be at ease. I will remind students they are doing a good job when they have completed a task/assignment. positive reinforcement will keep them interested in the learning process.

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