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Student Learning Assessment | Origin: ED103

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Student Learning and Assessment--> Student Learning Assessment

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initiating more active learning can help students stay interisted in the subject matter.

In this module, I learned about CAT activities. By using CAT activities, it serves as a bridge between teaching and testing as well as how well a student is learning. It can be useful for the instructor to know if the students are understanding the content.

I have learnt about the importance of general education assessment. This module also served as a nice refresher to me RE. Bloom's Taxonomy. 


I enjoyed the concepts of ethical teaching as it related to decision making and the final bit about the effort to train values.


this module provide me with the information to aid evaluating students more effectively. 

I learned about the necessity of evaluating student, the different types of evaluation, and most importantly, the key difference between formative and summative evaluation

Loved the refressher and analysis of General Learning...The group work assessment techniques will invariably be the most beneficial in my role as course director for a adult learning professional development curriculum.


CATs, focusing on group assessment, and experiential assessment, such as the watermelon catapult measure higher levels of learning and promote general educational goals. They provide excellent methods of measuring learning.


You must choose assessments appropriate to the level of learning indicated by Bloom's taxonomy to accurately measure learning at high levels, and ensuring what you assess meets the objectives. CATs, usually ungraded, work on a small scale, usually ungraded, to provide feedback and help students self-monitor. Group Process Assessment Techniques focus on the work of a group and are often accompanied by individual papers, and experiential assessments provide assessment at the highest learning levels. Several different types of assessment are tailored to each of the six general education goals, except for values and attitudes, which must be assessed through performance rather than knowledge. This information will help me tailor assessments to types and levels of learning and ensure I am really measuring what my objectives say I am teaching.


Find out what level each studuen is at 


Active learning can promote student involvement

Learned what different types of assessments can measure where the student is.

Ungraded assessments can be just as beneficial as graded testing. A daily ungraded question can guide the instructor as to how the class is retaining the current material. This can result in a change of lesson plan to either review previous material or move on to a new subject.

Individualism vs the collective

When the student is an active learner its helps in the learning process.


I learned about the components that make up the learning process; the tools educators can use to evaluate learning and the importance of setting goals and guidelines prior to the use of the evaluation tool.

This section provided some great information on evaluating students and ways to get them to evaluate themselves as well.

In order to determine the effacacy of anything, you must consistently conduct quality performance measurement to ensure what you are doing (in this case teaching) is meeting the intended result.   Informal checks on learning can identify delivery issues in order to make in course corrections, vice simply waiting for a more formal evaluation such as an end of course exam.  Evaluation throughout the learning process will result in a more effective outcome.


It is essential to determine which assessmentsare appropriate in order to accurately use the best process in determining both your students learning ability and the current status of their knowledge absorption. Several different types of assessment areavalible, although some are performance based vice knowledge based.

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