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Assessments are very important in finding out the level of skills and competencies the students are at and is a measure of finding out where they still need more learning support.

I've learned about the value of assessment and providing a clear content & process so students can learn and translate their learning effectively on fieldwork.

The balance of assessemnts and forms of learining are an important balance. 


I learned the importance of making sure that the type of assessment used is actually and accurately measuring what has been learned.  It provides valuable insight into whether students are learning and whether instructors are effectively teaching.  I love the idea of using CATs in class for daily or near daily formative assessment.  It also reminded me of the importance of teaching general education skills to develop future competent professionals who can be successful in their field of study.

I liked learning about critical thinking applications and how to develop this skill.  It is essential for nursing students to be able to critically think and I liked how this section broke down the process of critical thinking.  I also like the information on values and ethics.  That should be instilled in every class discussion.  You will not go far in any career without values or ethics.


Assessment not only conferms student comprehensation but allows instructor to make corrections to presentations as need to further improve his/her presentation. 


Blooms taxonomy of cognitive objectives has 6 levels of increasing compexity. knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

In this course I learned about ways to evaluate students more effectively.

I will be implementing the minute paper with my students. In addition, I think it is important to know your students so you can prepare how students will be engaged.


This information is beneficial because it all keeps reminding me of the importance of knowing my students. We assume that all students have developed soft skills but in reality not everyone has. Not all students learn these behaviors at home. So, you may have to implement these soft skills into your instruction as well. 

CAT activities seem to be an interesting formative assessment approach as well as a gauge for where the students are with content learning without the pressure of a graded exam. They can equally be a good way to measure the effectiveness of the instructor.

Pay attention to your students. They are not all in the same place.

have students conduct a self assesment this will allow the instructor to bridge the gap from what they have learned the most during the course


The more students are actively learning, the more we keep their interest level


All students even when in the same class will have different levels of of learning, from this you must build off of it and ajust your CAT, and other feedback to them.

Assessments are continuous and useful for both instructor and students.


The analogy of the scissors.  Both content and process have equal importance and how when both are used properly they can be very effective.  

i learned engaging the students into active learning in a variety of ways based on the students needs and learning styles will increase the chances of positive outcomes. 


Minute assessment of the key points of the lecture would be a great indicator of the comprehension of the day. Great idea. I will certainly try. 

I learned quite a bit from the group work section. I'll likely be investigating the Group Process Assesment Technique further for my students when I assign group work. Their point about students not wanting to rate their slacker group mates poorly "even if deserved" is so true! 

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