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Show your students that you know your subject well you have years of experience but you can still learn you don't know everything and even a student can teach a teacher treat everyone how you want to be taught everyone learns a little differently


Remember the 5 c's everyone does not learn like you do even a student who is learning can teach you something be sharp be consise because you are there to teach them there is always a way to reach them you just have to find it


Model the behavior you want your students to possess. 

Look back over personal experience with instructors. Look at the positive and the challenging instructors to help develop my style of teaching.





Learning is the goal and the focal point of teaching- not teaching itself. If the students are NOT learning? Then you need to assess the your teaching styles, teaching skills and teaching forte.





Ensure to always model the behavior you expect of your students. Manage the classroom do not let it manage you, and motivate your students because learning for some is a daughting task. A helpful statement or encouragment might make the difference in a students perception regarding him or herself.

My biggest take away from this lesson was the 5-C's. They are all so important on their own but when put together the class really comes alive through you as the faculty member. 

5 "C's"- be Credible, Candid, Compassionate, Committed and Clear

Be an example to your students.


Finding variuous ways to motivate students, be a better educator and lead by example

Lead by example, be open-minded and always will to adapt to the learning needs of the student in which you are instructing 


Some of the take aways of this lesson is the 5cs, professionalism, continue to grow and learn. Be a role model for your students. Students will model what you do as the leader so lead by example. 

For me, what stood out is to constantly evolve. By knowing your material and students, you can make changes as they change which continue to allow you to be effective.


Professional development as a key to rejuvinating self and staying current, is a bit more important than my time investment would indicate.  I think I need to do that a bit more.

In this section, I gained the understanding there are three roles served as an Instructor: Model, Manager, and Motivator to the students. These roles contribute to the learning experiences of students as well. Additionally, my professionalism, personality, and excitement/interest in the topics, foster a positive learning environment for students to engage and participate. Lastly, as an Instructor, when I invest in my professional development and stay relevant, that benefits myself but more importantly the students.

Brenda DaCosta

As an effective instructor and creating and maintaining a positive role must have the five C's, Credible, Candid, Compassionate, Committed and Clear. Also, Instructors need to be competent in three major areas if they are to succeed in the instructional process, which are (1)Technical competence is the knoweldge of the subject matter to be taught and the skills involved in its application, (2) Professional competence is the ability to plan instrudtionalky deliver content, and assess student learning and (3) Persoal competence is the ability to project one's personality into the instructional setting to facilitate maximum learning opportunities.  In addition, very important to hav a professional development plan, to set timelines and list specific courdes, workshops or seminars plan to take and or attend.


As an educator, a professional development plan is important. I want to be sure that I am givng the students what they need and delivering the material that ensures learning is taking place. 


As an educator, a professional development plan will assist you in being proficient in your career. 

The roles of an educator:  Model, Manager, Motivator....all extremely important!

We as educators need the same skills as teachers, including deep content knowledge; different models of instructional strategies and assessment practices. Learning and development of children and adults and clinical and supervision skills, the ability to model effective instructional and assessment practices, the ability and disposition to coach and support teachers and hold planned or informal meetings with teachers is crucial and the ability to support teachers through observations is also key. We each have our own way of teaching and together I believe we can make all the difference in a young adults life. 


Strengthen my knowledge in certain areas to make myself more well rounded as a teacher. Motivate the students.


Don't be a know it all, there might be students that are smarter than you as an instructor. 

I've learned that my biggest way to influence is by my example. If i show professionalism and passion for my career I can influence the students I am educating


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