As a visual learner, I ensure my content is engaging and allows me to tie in real world experiences to assist with my lecture or instruction. Its helpful to know the equipment and know what to do when the equipment isn't cooperating as a back up so the learning experience is not disrupted.
When presenting a lecture and using media it should be short and to the point. Using the 10/20/30 rule is a good way to stay on tract. Make sure you make good choices of media, and you feel comfortable with it as a useful tool.
Check with your institution to see what their polices are in relation to social media use so you can develop your compliant strategies for the use of social media with your students. You will need to set rules for the use of mobile devices in your classes so they can be used as helpful learning devices and not distractions.
I will continue to incorporate pp presentations within my courses and encourage students to use them as well.
I learned to use teaching methods were the students use their senses and to use the 10-20-30 rule for my presentations.
Students are adept to retain 60-80% of lecture materials if at least two senses are activated throughout the teaching process.
Probably rewriting my PP presentation to follow some of the guidelines listed here.
I learned of the 10-20-30 rule. I also learned it is important to not have more than 3-5 points per slide.
I think it's important for an instructor to be able to create their own resources and visuals for classes. It gives the student a visual/audio/hands-on resource that is directly from the instructor and not just from a textbook.
I use a lot of YouTube videos to demonstrate welding techniques as this is effective for students to visualize without crowding into one booth
Using a variety of visuals helps reach all students, keep them engaged and creating a great learning environment!
The 10-20-30 PPT implementation rule.
I now have students make powerpoints and I'm going to make a dos and don't flyer for them to follow when making their own slides.
"To eliminate the tedium, vary the medium."
There are a lot of new and innovative mediums as technology and the internet continue to evolve. PP is somewhat of an original but the idea is well founded. Keep it simple; makes it better for the presenter and the receiver.
Giving maximum 5 points per slide helps the student not get overwhelmed with information.
This section covered different forms of presentations and advise on using each one. I will be taking the 10/20/30 rule when creating powerpoints' moving forward. Its is also important to keep the slides uniform, until you are ready to switch to a different topic.
Keeping PowerPoints clean and to the point is helpful to the students.
I learned that there is a 10/20/30 rule with powerpoints. I learned that you can still use older methods of instruction as well.