When Student enter a course they need to move their senses to high alert so that they can take in the required input . As an Instructor , you need to recognize how the different senses are used ,inn the process of learning .
Sight 83% Hearing 11% Smell 3.5% Touch 1 % Taste 1%.
I like that also Education life-long process of acquiring new Knowledge and experiences.
Different models have different ways of presenting material to the students. Using a pp form will help students learn the material visually and I can pause for discussion if need be.
Utilize different media to change things up The use of other things other than Powerpoint. If using PPT, put less info on the slides and space things out for a better visual point.
This module had helped me tremendously because it allowed me to understand the best options and methods in delivering information to students, especially when using visual aids
I was curious about the optimal font size for PPTs; the 30 pt font guideline is helpful.
Using 3-5 points to convey the message more effectively to my students.
using variety in the slides, text followed by illustrations that way students have a visual interpretation of what you are explaining
Making sure that the focus is on the content of the slides and not the slides themselves.
Delivery method in power point slide should not be greater than content.
I learned I need to pay more attention to my whiteboard and the "mess" I can leave on there at times.
10/20/30 the model to run with
I struggle with putting notes up on the white board. When I first started it was a mess. But I am getting better and more organized at doing it the more and more I do it.
I will keep my points down to 3-5 on my slides and use the white board to make sure that any other concept that needs to taught can be done on the white board.
I use Powerpoints slides containing graphics, flow charts, animations, highlights, and font colors, as needed.
Many times I divide one diagram into many pieces and use animations to show every piece in time to explain how a physiological process progresses.
Sometimes I add animated videos, or use the electronic board to draw something.
I tell stories and use analogies to explain complex subjects in ways easy to remember.
High impact presentation can have multimedia resources, but the most important is interaction for students.
Learning that 3-5 points per slide helps students focus better was something new. I dont want my students to feel that they cannot pick out the "meat" of the subject
Creating PowerPoint slides with 3 - 5 main ideas or key points in bullet statements.
Using media is great with great caution and discretion.
When using PPT for presentations 3-5 points on each slide to allow students to focus on material presented. Using models can facilitate application of information being taught.
I really liked the 10-20-30 rule with PPs -- Also, I appreciated the coverage of more traditional tools like chalk / white boards and flip charts -- I realized that I have not been giving my students time to read / take notes on PP slides before diving into the content. I need to work on that.