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Utilizing as many different teaching methods as possible in class environments are vital to reach all different types of learners. 

Lesson planning is important for several reasons, here are a few.  First, it provides a guideline for the instructor to use to present information to the class.  Secondly, it helps instructors to stay on task and make sure they are getting through the necessary information in a proper amount of time (not too fast but not too slow).  Next, lesson planning is necessary so the instructors can assure that the course is built properly and leading the students to their destination after its completion.  Lastly, it allows the instructor to improve things that did not go well and utilize things… >>>

Utilizing new technologies will help keep the students engaged and excited about what they are learning and ensure that they are getting what they paid for as far as education goes (ROI). 

As a new Director of Education this has enlighten me on new ways to help new educators with on-boarding and lesson planning. As well as evaluating students level of knowledge. 

Research projects are a great way for students to take ownership of learning, recording their discoveries in a technical report or presentation to the class. 

This lesson taught me the importance of having a lesson plan, following it, and staying organized.  Lesson plans are especially important for new instructors because it helps them to stay on task.  A more experienced instructor should still have a lesson plan it just will more than likely be less detailed as the instructor's career goes on.  

I have learned that taking the time to write out an effective lesson plan can help drastically with staying on track and also help keep the students engaged.  Also, by utilizing the pretests an instructor can gain a better understanding of what the students already know and avoid boring them.  Doing research outside the textbook will also benefit the instructor to be as up to date as possible with information.  

Continued assessments will provide quality to the student and their ROI

I think the ABCD concept is good guidance for writing objectives

Keeping record of lesson planning can be beneficial in the long run

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