Donna Marchesani

Donna Marchesani

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This is an important issue. Many students (and people in general) need better time management skills. We all have the ability to choose to make the time we need to achieve our goals.  The underlying reason is to choose. I have in the past and will continue to show students how they can carve out the necessary time in their days/weeks/months to be successful. I am currently a student and live by this. I often help students create a calendar and allocate time for family, chores, work and anything else they need, then highlight the times they can do their… >>>

Fear of failure is the reason many students do not start and in my experience the reason some do not finish or drop out early.

This section was extremely valuable for me because I have to start from day one to consistently reinforce and reward students.

I especially like the part about helping students overcome challenges without feeding into complaining. It's a balancing act, empathy,

understanding, and helping them to stay focused on the goal by constantly reminding students that they deserve a future and a life they can

be proud of.  Following our brand, give students a reason to… >>>

This was a great reinforcement of effective teaching strategies. I will definitely use the mini-lessons concept to break down complex

procedures in medical billing and coding.  10 - 15 minute instructions, explain, demonstrate and monitor group activites.  Thank you!

Donna Marchesani, CPC

MFOB Instructor

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