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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

The traditional student is being replaced by the non-traditional student! And we as instructors need to be aware of this paradigm shift in education!

This was a very good introduction into the role of the instructor as classroom facilitator at ECPI.  As a career college, our goal is to give our students the foundation knowledge and then through skill development, reinforce the relevancy of this knowledge by making the connection between the classroom and the clinic.  This learning module did a succinct job of encompassing this style of learning and making sure we are "student-centric" when teaching and placing the greatest emphasis on retention and demonstration of knowledge not merely GPA.  


intrinsic and extr


Letting students having some say in the class usually motivates them because they are feel like they are part of the learning in class.


This so great to learn


It was great to learn this.

Extrinsic Motivation

Give students more opportunities for extrinsic motivation.

Understand the complexities of the students daily lives

Communication is the key to success. I have learned that some of the most talented students fall prey to the daily grind of life. When I consider each students unique set of circumstances, I tend to see better results.


Thoughts Become Actions

I teach Psychology. With every new concept I show a short video that demonstrates that concept. This helps to reinforce the the information in the text book, along with lecture, to be presented in a  way they can see it. 

Lesson Planning

As a new instructor, one of the challenges that I am faced with is how to keep student's attention and motivation during classtime.  Student's will be preoccupied with their cell phones or up/down and in/out of the classroom during lecture time.  Some students will distract the lecture by diversional outbursts, hoping to get a class response and disrupt the lecuturer.

After completing one of the maxknowlege courses, it appeared to me that two types of motivators exist:  Intrinsic and Extrinsic.  Both can be helpful when preparing weekly lesson plans.  For example, emphasizing relevance to the topic at hand would be an extrinsic motivator… >>>

Weekly Check-Ins

I have noticed that when I go into the classroom at least once a week, if not more, the students become accustom with me. This lessens the "PD sitigma", and helps students realize that I am as much part of their education and training, as their daily instructors are. The students seem to stay in class knowing they have extra support.

Loved this course

This course is extremely educational and transforming.

Encouragement and Patience

Encouragement and having patience are essential for motivating students. Sometimes there can be discouraging moments when desired results are not achieved. Then again students can surprise you with their achievements and overwhelm you with joy.

Best Practice

Best practices are making sure that everyone is a part of a team rather as if we are in the work place. Making everyone feel equal. 


I plan to implement more creative ways for the students to learn the information.

Being a motivator

Students look up to instructors. Understand how to better utilize tools we have to motovate students correctly is important for helping the students succeed


I've learned that retention is so important.  Without students we do not have jobs.  One way I've been successful with keeping my students in class is treating them with respect.  I show them I care about their education and try to help them as much as possible.  Once they see I'm not this scary authority figure and I am a real person we get along just fine.

Listening types

At our institute, we have a class for student that are dealing with the general public and customer service. The information that we discussed in this lesson is very similar to what we have in our curriculum for our students. It was nice to see our two curriculums align.


I often ask my students when I first meet them.....What is your motivation? So, after each student reflects and discusses I share what was my motivation when I was in their shoes. After this, they have more a buy in that they are not alone in this journey. Then we make an agreement that we both (the student and myself) will not just quit on each other during this journey because we have a common interest to help them succeed in life.

contagious atmosphere

I find the students that are secure in their educational experience tend to be useful, helping their peers in small group activities.  This give that person the autonomy needed in the classroom setting and the other student that are not as secure the motivation from their peer.  This create a atmosphere conducive to learning and persevering to greatness.  As an Istructor I tend to write a positive quotes daily to encourage my student that they can and will reach their educational goal with motivation and action.

Enhancing Student Security

While teaching in the vocational setting I realized how important it was to provide students with security in the learning environment. I first reflected back on my own experience and remembered the great instructors that I had and how I felt in the learning process. I could remember the difference in my instructors and how some were negative while others were very motivating, uplifting, and encouraging. Many of our students that come in have either just graduated from High School or may have had a bad experience of being lost in the numbers at a University. Because this may be… >>>