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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

enhancing student retension

I agree. Not only do personal stories give them insight into the working world, they also can serve as a few-minute diversion from lecture. Our classes run for 6 hour each with 75 minutes. That's a lot of listening and they sometimes seem to get bored and/or distracted. Any time that I tell a personal story, they begin to focus again and I regain their attention. It also helps to make you seem like a real person with a personality, which they respect

Bonus Questions

I have found that bonus questions really help the students to strive for excellence.  As an instructor, I feel that a "little push" for mastery of a situation/concept through a bonus challenge magnifies it's meaning and necessity in the corporate world.  

I have been told that bonus questions are not allowed in my teaching envirnment - needless to say I am opposed to the rule.  What are some of you doing to overcome this objection?


Great Course for These Times

With the economy doing well and challenging times facing career education schools, this course is a great way to help your educational institution retain students.

Enhancing Student Retention

A number of great points in this training.  In particular, I think I need to have more group activity.  I tried it this week and the students really got into it.

Sharing Strategies

I find by learning about my students and engaging with them on a daily basis helps with retention.  I learn about their hobbies and challenges they may face as a student and address them indvidually.  I offer postive feedback and make sure each student is acknowledged in their strenghs.

Enhancing Student Retention

It is important to be able to interact with students and assess their needs. They may not vocalize their concerns about the topic or material, but we need to ask them if they understand and let them know you are available for assistance.


Learning students names I feel is not a show of respect, but of the teachers competence if the class is of reasonable size.

Supporting and Enhancing Student Retention.

Providing opportunities for application of taught concepts will truely support and Enhancing Student Retention.

My Reflection

This course answered many questions I had as a new instructor. I intend to flex my newly acquired knowledge in the classroom to be that motivator, leader, facilitator and instructor that my students need. I will use the crisis situation and the National something day to spark enthusiasm. I just cannot wait to see the changes.

Adult Learners

Excellent class, very informative.

Student Motivation

Engage students using different methods of instructions, respect students, give them time to respond to quesions, and simply, make learning fun for all.



Solid Training

Look forward to using this knowledge in the classroom

adult learners challange

Advising is a full time responsibililty.  Are other instructors given hours for advisin

Influencing Student Motivation

Surprise! motivation can be difficult task in adult learners due to so many other demands on their time.  An encouraging enthusiastice attitude on the Instructors part is paramount! I like to include a relevant inspirational quote at the beginning of class and at the end of the term pass out a compilation of quotes for the student's binders.

frustrated mom

a student is charging through a particularly hard time in her life which draws her away from interaction with lecture on different occasions. as an instructor; the capacity to understand this shift in passion/emotion is important. Not only did this capacity lead to more productivity and security in the classroom, but appears to have helped in the students life outside of work and study.

New Instructor

Hi Everyone : )

My name is Michael, and I am a new Clinical Instructor at ECPI Greensboro, NC. I will be starting my very first teaching position in just under a week. I am excited and looking forward to meeting the students and other instructors. 

Student Retention feedback

There were some ups and downs with the course, mostly ups. I had an issue with the question of letting students create a gripe session without an outcome. That was marked as a true statement, but the fact that the question asked if a situation without an outcome could be effective told me that it was a false statement. Also, the suggestion of taking photos of students at the beginning of class seemed a bit strange. Perhaps it's because that I'm a male instructor who spends quite a bit of time at a nursing school (i.e., majority female students), but… >>>

Checks for understanding

I buy several packs of notecards at the beginning of the term. I pass them out at the beginning of the class. At the end of the class, I will ask the student to take 1 minute and write the important things they learned. Or I will ask them to write suggestions for the material. Sometimes I give them a particular thing we discussed in class and ask the students to tell me everything they know about that thing. The students never know what the questions will be, so I think that keeps them sharp during class. It is very… >>>

Smart Student Motivation

Having an extremely knowlegible student presents a challege in keeeping him/her motivated. One method I use is to have that student help other students who are having problems, which in turn keeps the knowlegible student motivated by allowing him/her to show their knowledge.