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Flexibility is key in an online envoronment.

I learned how important is to know the students and instructor personalities to develop activities that encourage course engagement. Given the students options of activities is a great method.


I do and will continue to find personality traits of learners.  With the pandemic and online learning platforms, this has become a real challenge.

Here again on an online enviroment how do you get to connect personalities?  Getting to meet students in person will tell a lot about who they are.  I am a firm believer that you can never gain true perspective of an individual on the internet.  You can be whoever you want online, but in person that is a different story.

I don't see how an instructor with a set curriculum and labs and 60 students can alter everything for every student, it's not logical, doable or practical, what they can do is look at the students that aren't doing well and see if it's in their character that the problem lies and work with that, but we are doing job training and employers are not going to alter every little thing every little task that all are required to do.


I plan to utilize the four personality questions as an ice breaker activitiy with students.  I think it will provide valuable insights.  I also like the idea of having one project where students can choose different methods to achieve the same learning objective.

The main takeaway for me is offering alternative assignments improves student engagement and learning opportunities. This way the student can select the assignment that best fits their personality, and as long as the assignment is tied back to the course and program learning objectives these are great ways to accommodate different types of leaners.

It is extremely important to take the time to carefully craft assignments, projects, quizzes, etc that will reach each type of learner in your class. Instructors should ask themselves, from each learning style perspective - not just their own, if the assignments are engaging and would meet the needs of a gold, a blue, an orange a green, etc. The goal is to have an all inclusive and engaging foundation for a class that gets the most out of each attendee.    

Learning a students personallity traits will aid in teaching them.


Understanding your students personality traits is very important in the online learning process.  Also instructors should know thier own personality traits.


The instructor will often have a different TC profile than at least some of their students, which is why it is important to be flexible in their teaching styles/techniques.


Incorporating a variety of teaching methods and providing options for how to complete assignments is more engage and effective pedagogical method.


Different teaching styles combined with students personalities can make the learning process for teachers and students more efficient.

It's helpful for instructors in a small class to understand how each student is different and how each student learns based on their pesronaliyt.


One should take advantage of the different personalitiy types to get the most sucessful learning outcomes from students. 

This module has helped me see the importance of offering different options for projects/class activities.


This portion of the course has impressed upon me to work on varying forms of assessment.  We have made great progress of adapting to how to enable students to learn, but the concept of also providing options for assessment that students may refer due to their personality traits is the logical next step in progression.

Understanding different learning styles can help in lesson planning.   Gving students options will give them more self confidence in their learning and will motivate them to continue to learn.


Understanding your students personality traits is very important in the online learning.  Also instructors should know thier own personality traits.Flexability is key as well.


Providing differing options for the same assignment was something I always liked because I felt like I had a choice and wasn't just being told what to do.


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