Alina Alvarado

Alina Alvarado

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Building off of appreciative inquiry, Florida Atlantic University has developed a certification program targeted towards applying these stages partnered with others towards fostering student encouragement and progression.


My team and I are going through Appreciative Advising certification for coaching clients/students, and it is interesting to see the parallels between it and appreciative inquiring. Appreciative Advising includes other steps though incorporating "disarm" at the beginning and "don't settle" at the end. Though we apply it towards our students, it is important to remember to apply it internally.

I didn't know there was a specific term for adapting language and delivery style to others preferences. Though very important, one thing that's concerning is at what point can matching seem disingenuous since that is not being open of your own preferences.

It's interesting how some of the characteristics associated with different learning preferences can also be taken as learning challenges when they are not understood properly. Not recognizing how to better reach other types of learners can lead to judgement, confusion, and frustration. I like how the lesson breaks them each down, explains it from the learner perspective, and then gives examples of how to tailor the lesson/approach.

This course is interesting because I took it after taking the EQ-I ( Emotional Quotient Inventory) assessment which showed that my assertiveness and empathy were above average but the independence aspects were drastically lower (which can impact authenticity). However, this course connects the two more rather than seeing them individually.

This course provided insightful information on what a PLDP is and how to use it. I kind of wish that breakdown was given at the beginning to have the explanation from the start before starting to put information without the explanation of the expectations. When I use PLDPs for myself and my team, I want to break it down first and then have them complete it.

I realized I am more of a visual learner. I also learned that some of the language I have used in the past could be considered limiting. I will keep that in mind, especially when we are brainstorming. However, I still feel there is an appropriate time to address what didn't work in the past (but also review why and if there have been changes since then that could make the idea work now).

I learned that there was research showing  that low income students are price sensitive for grad rates and completion rates are a function of how students grew up. However, what I found most interesting was that the reason for undermatching according to William Bowen was lack of information instead of financial issues that would lead to students not applying to schools they knew they would not be able to afford or recieve enough aid coming from "modest circumstances". 

When applying to college, I was fortunate enough to be given a lot of support and information from my school staff and… >>>

Something that I had felt but never thought of " as a thing" is that you can demonstrate leadership in specific situations while still struggling to take a leadership roles in other  circumstances or areas of life. For example, I tend to lead more at work during normal activities, but in sports or competitive environments, I naturally stop using those skills. I liked tha assignment that allows the students to think of ways they demonstrate leadership in one situation and how that can be used in others to start expanding that skill.

I've realized that due to the enviroment of my previous institution, I have experienced a lot of coercive leadership that went extreme and lead to all the risks listed. However, I have more of an Authortative style which did help lead my team, but it also explains why I didn't feel as effective with working with other leaders.

Also, after watching The Principal Story, I really did not like the approach or attitude of the more seasoned principle, though I would love to emulate that of the newer principal. One would see a problem or misbehavior and simply approach it… >>>

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