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Consistent communication is vital.

It is iportant for the learner to be aware of expectations placed upon them and that they can achieve in an on line community.



Students need to know the best ways to communicate. By providing a writing guide, students can write assignments that go along with guidelines. 

Effective communication distills down to the simple acronym--CPA.  Clear, Professional, Appropriate.

Creating a cop is really benefgicial to the online learning experience. Communication skills are essential.


Delaying a communication can cause more unnecessary frustration that could lead to withdrawing.

Communicating and teaching online citizenship is important for engaged learning and misunderstandings.


Be aware that with online communication, tone and nonverbal communication can be lost


I was not familiar with the jigsaw cooperative learning. I like that and will implement. It will foster communication and collaboration

Communication basic or not. If your to use it. An effective tool it is but you use be clear consice for it to be effective. Most need clear instructions on what the procedure may be for sometime no matter if you are writing, reading or reading instructions on a repair. 


Preparation for taking an online course is a prerequisite to beginning online education for any student. Students should have concise expectations set for their courses and time management set for the duration of their online education. It is important to note that communication is much different in the online forum. Body language and facial expressions cannot be accounted for in an online forum therefore written communication may be misconstrued by the receiver of the information. Encouraging good online manners and incorporating video chat discussions can help to eliminate this problem.

There are some things that must be taught regardless of the learning environment. As with the traditional classroom, online setting requires we teach students academic honesty, reading and writing skills, proper way to cite resources, and  Also I found the concept , CoPm(community of practices) constructivism - interesting. But upon reading what it is about( helping students develop problem-solving skills) realized I do that all the time. Just didn't know that was what it is referred to as. 


Since students have a significant part in their online learning, they must understand the importance of having discipline and displaying citizenshipwhile learning. That understanding must come from the teacher. The teacher must clearly outline their expections for learning as well explain what is not acceptable. Additionally, teachers must constantly assist with all types of reading skills development. Teachers also must devolop independency as well as shared goals for the students and teacher to reach achievement.

Communication is timeless nd needed now more then ever in our electronic driven world of texting. So many times the message gets lost due to unclear communication and within the online classroom one must remember they don't see our faces or non-verbal emotions.


If remote learning continues in the Fall, I want to make sure that I am able to movtivate the parents of my students to participate in the assignments and communicate with me.  Due to how quickly remote learning had to begin, guidelines and rules weren't established which caused some confusion in the communication process.


Helping students improve their communication skills is part of any course


Communicating  with students and clearly stating the rules and regulations in the syllabus will help deter plagiarism. Adult Learners can pull infomation from past experiences to help with course content.

Communication is essential to success in an online class as well as a "traditional" classroom setting. As an educator, I realize the imporantce of explicitly teaching effective ways to communicate with each other as well as through modeling. We often take this for granted the older the students you are working with in your classes. Helping student make connections between what they are learning and their personal lives is important. 

I learned some ways to incorporate group learning with my classes.  I had not considered using jigsaws with online learners, but the example provided made me see that this technique can be adapted to use with an online class.


Getting students to participate and be engaged in the learning process is necessary for sucess in an online class.  Group engagement is also very important. This can be done by assigning roles within the group, such as, leader or facilitator, etc.  You can also assign portions of the assignment to different members of the group.  Students must also realize the importance of online citizenship.  As an instructor, you must make sure that they understand the academic honesty policy of the course.  This should be relayed in your syllabus.


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