Leah Silvieus

Leah Silvieus

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The seven goals to learning was very beneficial to me. I cannot believe I was just introduced to them with all the training and conferences I have attended.


Communicating and teaching online citizenship is important for engaged learning and misunderstandings.


More time and effort are needed in online classes because you may not be live to answer questions so you need to answer any potential questions when you are developing.


Concise, clear guidelines help an instructor communicate expectations. Providing a rubric WITH an assignment helps the communication process.


Acoe of communication provides clear expectations for all parties no matter the age or position.


I had my belief of the importance of communication validated. I do not think you can over-communicate if you are consistent and well organized.


Investigating online communication tools and then selecting the correct channel for communication is important. I learned it is okay to use text with students from this module--to really think about how the student wants me to communicate with them.


Consistency, Communication, and Collaboration were the main takeaways. Finding ways to collaborate with students using multiple online tools can help assist with all three.


Communicating in a timely manner is one of the most important aspects of feedback. Feedback and engagement needs to be more than just learning for the learning process.


communications with students and clear guidelines set a course up for success.


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