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Organization is a key to online classes. The clearer the structure of the class the less students will be confused and the less the teacher is going to have to deal with questions and workarounds on the backend.

Time is a limited resource and online teachers must be organized and structured with their time to become an effective online teacher.  Time management includes planning time for email, planning time for conferences and knowing how to use time wisely.  Technology is a big part of online learning.  Being able to help your students with technology and knowing technology well enough to be an effective online teacher is all part of time managment as an online teacher.


Time management skills are key when facilitating an online course.  Often times, online instructors have other responsibilities as well.  I like the idea of turning off the chime for emails to keep from getting distracted.

time management schedule helps online instructors help set goals, stay on task so you can achieve your goals.


Managing workload is important to success.  I like the FAQ discussion board and the use of FATQ too.

Workload management if used properly will give time for important revisions from information gathered from feedback.

Having routines and structure are so important, especially during working from home.  I'm learning that the hard way -as home and school bleed into each other moreso than ever.

I learned that teaching onloine is like being a goog project manager.Online teachers need to have analysis and communication skills, be able to work in a team environment, be calm and have time management skills. These are the same skills required in project management. 

Additionally I found the entire module on workload management strategies to be relevant for all teaching environment. Time is so precious to a teacher, there is none to waste. I always thought that teachers are like salespeople in this way: A salesperson work is never done, they can always do more. More prospecting, more presenttions, more customer support. Teachers work is never done, we can always work on improving our cirriculum, giving feedback, counseling students. Of course we can't work 24 hours a day, so workload management is essential.

Time management is important in order to be successful. Good organization is essential in order to prevent being overwhelmed.

This presents very useful strategies for workload management for online instructors.  Very impressive!

I have come across every possible scenario when it comes it online learning. The most important thing I have learned is to handle things in a timely fashion. (ASAP) When it came to tech issues assistance was always there but when it came to content issues I had to learn as I went.


Having the ability to multi-task and remaining focused is one way to be a successful online instructor. Make sure to learn all facets of on line teaching to avoid burn out

The instructor should review the course syllabus to determine workload issues. The syllabus' overview of learning activities, assignments

and due dates provides a good view of the timeline for the course and may be used to determine the timeline and schedule for the

instructor's work. 


There are many responsibilities assigned to an online teacher- contact between students and colleagues, developing reciprocity among and cooperation among students, encouraging active learning, feedback loops, emphasis of time on task, setting and accomplishing high expectations and respecting diverse talents and the many different ways of learning.  Time Mangagement and effective use of tech assistance goes a long way.

It's important to be organized. Scheduling, material management, easily understandable instructions adn discussion threads. It's also vital to consider how students can best communicate with instructors and one another and 


Organization is my middle name.  Seriously, having organizational systems in place for every component of my online class is the only way I can function and stay calm.


WorkLoad Management Systems are an important piece to being a successful teacher online. Teachers must personally have a plan to monitor all personal responsibilities, plus set up systems to answer student issues so the teacher does not have to answer the same questions over and over. Having a frequently asked quetion page is important.


Time management,eliminating distractions, and organizational skills are important components to a successful online teaching experience.

One must set-up time managment protocols in order to compartmentalize the day.  I plan on implementing that in turning off notifications & preparing a task list for each day.

Balancing an online teaching workload and F2F workload can be daunting if you  are not extremely organized.  


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