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Before jumping into this course as preparation for the virtual learning we are moving towards i have taken an Online Teacher cousre which goes in to great detail on what this subject is about. it was reassuring to see that what i ave learned is universally used and plan on structuring my classes this way using the module system and discussion board 

It will be very important for me to understand how the course is set up and works. I will have to provide both learning and technical support to students, and it will be much easier if I understand the CMS.


The online learning environment presents its own share of challenges that have to be overcome in order to provide the same education one would receive from a physical class setting.  Though no two faculty members may present the same material the same way, these same two faculty members need to be on board with the objective and the mission for delivering a learning experience from virtually anywhere that is of high quality.  Whether it's technology issues or a student who just needs a little nudge in the right direction, the online faculty member has a unique role in online learning to ensure these resources exist and how to fully take advantage of them.


I found the course very imformative and it is imperative that the online instructor is familiar with the information to be delievered and set expections and boundaries in the CMS.

STRUCTURE.....An online class needs to be very structured.  As stated in the lesson notes and from my own experience I concur that the MODULAR approach is the best way to teach an online class.  Students should be able to navigate easily to seek and get the content they are looking for.  An instructor has to make an online presence in the same manner as he/ she would do in an actual classroom.

Getting familar with CMS helps communicate effectively and answer Students questions and help them succed.


this module has helped me understand some of the students challenges in e learning and how important it is for the instructor to have a good understanding of the CMS.

Melody Demars


Good online courses are characterised by structural integrity, intellectual interaction, navigational simplicity and active learner centred learning. Students must be orientated about the characteristics of CMS. Instructors also need offer technical and learning support.


The different ways to interact with students, and to include discussion boards.

My CMS is the same as was used before in in-person classes, but I haven't explored all of the features. I realize now that I need to do so in order to have all the tools I need to teach the course online

The clearest objective for an online modality of teaching is that is necessary to understand the course structure.

If the instructor has any confusion with due dates or locations of assingmnents the students will as well.

As the instructor it is our duty to effectively communicate both the material and the assesments we use to gauge learning.


I will ask for feedback from my students to see how or what they need help with in regards to e-learning.  I will also utilize discussion threads more as that can help them bounce ideas off eachother.


I learned that instruction is not the only thing that will make learning via web easy for studemts. As teachers we must take into accound accessibility and tech savvyness will come into play for the students as well as ourselves. 


it all seems overwhelming as an instructor and makes me nervous for my students.


I am transitioning from a typical class room enviroment to online teaching for Carpentry. Listening to how my students respond and adapting my online teaching will be paramount for myself and my students. Learning to teach with Media will be very interesting 


I found the information in the comprehending the course delivery format extremely helpful! Since we are just beginning our distance learning journey as an institution, it will be great to make sure all these questions are answered for all new distance learning instructors.


I feel that this course was very helpful especially when getting off track with phone conversations.  I have worked on this area and have seen improvement by sticking to the issue and not going into other issues. 

Online classes will have to be much more focused and organized. With less time available and distractions associated with doing class from home with life happening around the students.

some of my students have already expressed concern over the technology requirments, tech support will be a key factor in our success.


I found it interesting to see all the components that are involved in online learning that we, as instructors, are to be aware of and are held to a standard in maintaining.


In order to be an effective online teacher, you must know your CMS and how it works, have a time table for unlocking assignments, how to handle online discussion groups, how to access tech support, and so much more--being prepared is the key!

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