Kerry Cox

Kerry Cox

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I really like the idea of having the students do a Biography so I can get to know them better.

I will ask for feedback from my students to see how or what they need help with in regards to e-learning.  I will also utilize discussion threads more as that can help them bounce ideas off eachother.


Engaging our students is very inportant and can help acheive higher learning.  As instructors we have many roles to fill but the most important is keeping our students engaged and being available to them.


I think asynchronous learning is going to be best for me and my students, I realize I need to have everything clearly laid out and prepared for them and will still be avaiable for questions or video chat if and when needed.


I learned that there are several different styles of online teaching and tools.  It is best to investigate and find the best one for you and the students.  


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