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On line quizzes give the students the opportunity to retake quizzes.

Syllabus of your course should include Expectations,Schedule,Grading system and instructor contact information.Quizzez are good way to evaluate a learner and model answers should be provided.Immediate feedback after Quizzez is important.In synchoronous learning discussions can be either posted as chats or synchronous.

On line lectures should be in the form of direct delivery short and precise,graphic based.


This section taught me the components of a well-designed introductory statement for an assignment. The prompt questions on what an assignment introduction should entail are quite insightful. I will review the assignment and discussion prompts and adjust them so that they provide substantial information to complete each assignment.


Immediate feedback is important for students as the just-completed assignment or quiz is fresh in their minds.

This section helped me to understand the importance of feedback in a timely manner for students. 


Constructive feedback in a timely manner is important. Working towards the Final Exam students should have been provided clear assessment to achieve the objective of the course and do well on the Final Exam. Feedback helps students guage progress.

This is interetsing although I am not a fan of multiple chocie quizzes. Students learn more in dicussions and writing papers. 


Pay attention to writing test and quiz questions... relevance is important 


The content of the course can be delivered through assignments, lectures, discussions. Assignments that contribute to the students' enhacement of their critical thinking skills also increase the value ot a course from the students perspective. They can be focused on problem-solving which the students can easily apply to their daily living and interactions in their comunitites. Critical thinking skills drive studnets engagement.

Lectures: The five types of lectures need to be planned and crafted carefully and thoughfully to create relevancy and course value as well. These five kinds of lecture styles are: Expository, Suspenseful answer, Probem-Solving, Case-Study, and Interactive.

Discussions: They can be posted or asynchronous, and Chats or synchronous or in live-time

The comprehension of the content can be assessed in two formats: in a quick succinct format like a quiz intended to give immediate feedback and often acts as 'ego boosters' for students or in the form of exams. Exams could be geared to assess what the student did not understand as well as wha they grasped correctly. Exams are lenghtier or more comprehensive and they should be structured to be only taken once because their scores contrbute to final grades. Some exams are automatically graded but care needs to be given to planning time to the tests that need to be manually graded. Is is highly recommended to provide immediate feedback of performance after each quiz or exam to allow the student to synthesize their progress and realize and correct their errors in a timely manner.


This lesson has shown me the course components and building of a syllabus that is easy to follow and informative. 

This section provided me with the thought behind each lesson plan.   It also clearly conveyed the five different lecture formats for my own self-assessment.  I will explore ongoing change to my course presentations to make them more relevant to students.  Is it time we all did a course reassessment? 

Students need feedback on their quizzes and exams to determine where they went wrong in their thinking in answering the question. 


In this module I learned about the application of critical thinking for the student when developing a Syllabus. The grading criteria was analyzed including the Quizzes.  Quizzes should be used as morale boosters to help the student build confidence.  Reviewing with the student what they did wrong on a quiz, in a timely fashion, is important to assist them to improve on the Exams.    


Timely feedback is key for student improvement.  


Online discussion is asynchronized! This allows for flexible in discussions.


Course description components


This course has taught me different online tools, delivery of online instruction, and tips to keep the students engaged.



It is important course components are relative to the material being covered in the course. This module provided great examples of how to develop course content for various components of the course. 


A syllabus should be well thought out and arranged in a logical order. A well made syllabus can serve as a roadmap of the course and provide clarity for students and faculty. The syllabus should be reviewed frequently for corrections and compliance. I plan to schedule more frequent syllabus reviews for my department. 

Selecting the appropriate technology is key for the creation of a succesful online classroom and course. 


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