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The Diversity in “Diverse” | Origin: ED137

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Cultural Diversity: Including Every Student --> The Diversity in "Diverse"

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As an instructor, understanding the students and adapting to their individual learning styles is essential.

I learned that not all people are created equally. Everyone has different cultures, personalities and learning styles. As a instructor, it is important to know who you are teaching and learn to meet the student where they are in their learning styles. 

I learned the importance of refraining from stereotyping races, genders and cultures when being an educator 

As a mother of two young adults, I have become very aware of gender inclusion/exclusion.  My teaching moment is to let go of gender language such as "you guys" and use a more neutral choice of words.  When I include a group into a "you guys" some feel excluded as they hear that as a gender identification.

Every individual has the opportunity to explore their culture and apply different aspects every day.

Embracing Diversity in the classroom opens doors for better learning experiences for the student and the Educator. 

Stereotyping inhibits learning.

Instructor's assumptions can be detrimental to student success.

I learned teaching to each student seems daunting or more time-consuming than effective, but evidence-based research has shown that there are several methods that will encompass the different learning styles. I also learned that we should be focused more to those who are NOT laughing at my humor or NOT nodding in understanding, rather than appreciating the 'majority rules' and assuming that several 'lightbulbs' is still not inclusivity. Therefore, I plan to give students as much access to the material as they need to then, apply that knowledge in a variety of forms, so learning occurs.

I've learned that stereotypes do not provide the shortcuts we hope for when we employ them since we all belong to so many different groups. It's true for me and my students. I want to become better with technology and the tools my university utilizes so I can give my students choices and different opportunities to learn in different ways.

I am from an area where everyone is referred to as 'You guys'. I will really need to be aware of that and be mindful not to use that term.

I will be sure to consistently establish a classroom environment where it is clear that gender based jokes and/or other forms of perceived and/or actual discrimination will not be tolerated.

It's important to keep each student in mind as an individual and use different teaching styles when teaching a course.

Each student is an individual. 

I plan on implementing variety into my teaching, as well as, doing the best I can to be aware of myself, such as voice changes. I'm not sure if I do that or not, so i must become more self aware.

I need to make sure that I am treating everyone in a fair manner.  Each student has their own set of circumstances and that needs to be considered.

By not stereotyping my students I can make a greater impact and reach more students.  

Every student is different

It is essential to use language that is inclusive to ensure all students remain engaged in the lesson. In addition, it is important be student-centered by incorporating student's likes and learning goals. 

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