Marvin Smith

Marvin SmithCHEP

About me

I enjoy finding any info which helps me keep the students attention.  One of the courses I teach has been nick named Pro Naps because of some of the subject matter can put the students to sleep if not presented in an excitting way.

I have picked up much from these courses and I believe I am a better instructor for taking them

thanks Marvin


Usually I put a mixture of students in groups, some who are hands on and some who are fact based. This way they help each other reach a solution

Each student has his own dialect.  I have a southern drawl myself.   If our cultures clash we must work toward understanding

Sometime when a student is from the country or city or another state our comunication and training is a challenge

i have come to realize the guys are mostly hands on while the women are more fact oreneted


the student set the tone of the rest of their experience with you and the class. be sure they come in knowing their going to have a great day Most instructors forget how important the greeting is. Food for thought.


some times you need to use multi media to give examples of what the lecture is talking about

I agree we Manufacture a product.  The student is our product.  When we finish our product should be first quality and our customer (an automotive garage) should want our product to be in there garage.  I take pride when I see a student having a great job and Happy.  A by product will be that they make lots of money!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion Comment

We have many Military students in our classes.  These guys are 100% into what they do.  They are great examples to others in the class.  If class is a bit out of control they sometimes speak out.  Our more mature students appreciate having them in class. Sometimes the less mature ones react a little angry at first but then they usually come around to becoming great students themselves

I found it almost ironic that I am takint this course today. I am a very positive person. I was teaching my class earlier this week and found the class getting louder and louder. I brought it to thier attention many times, I emphasised how many of them had low scores and were trying to grasp the subject. When I had finished for only a few seconds the room went to full outside voice again. I found myself all of a sudden to be the loudest voice in the room, Startling the class. Although I got the desired result, I… >>>

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