Judith Seme, PhD, RN

Judith Seme, PhD, RN

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I feel that it is important to be inclusive of the various cultures of the student population. Each one can teach one and learn from another. I think everyone has something valuable to add to productive learning


I think it is very valuable to have alumni / graduates to speak with current students who are near graduation to provide them with insight.  Pending graduates can learn a lot from previous graduates and be able to minimize mistakes or misunderstandings. 

It is interesting to note the difference in cognition and experience of each of different generations.  The diversity adds a lot to the educational experience within the classroom setting. An instructor must be apt to meet the academic needs of each of the generations represented within a course. 

I did not realize how many resources were available online that are useful to enhance student engagement and learning - a challenge I face teaching evening courses. 


I will definitely utilize as many as I can to keep my evening students interested, engaged, and interactive.


I have learned valuable information from this module. There are several characteristics that I believe are innate and some you just have to learn to be successful in academia. Students, I believe, generally do better and are more accountable when instructors develop and utilize as many (if not all) soft skills as possible.

The unique population is often overlooked.  Furthermore, as an instructor, I can not assume all veterans are the same and have the same individual needs.  Each individual is unique and based on what I have learned so far, I aim to reach those needs the best way I can to facilitate learning and academic success


Veterans are most often misunderstood and their unique needs unappreciated. It is important to seek help and resources for them as necessary for them to be academically successful


In this module, I have learned that each student in particular veterans are unique in how the learn. The GI bill was implemented to reintegrate veterans back into civilian life. Addressing the diversity of each student encourages  and faciltates learning.


Stress is not always bad however, it's our perception of the situation that can determine the outcome.  We need to be able to balance everything out and not get so caught up in the tasks/obligations, etc.  The 21 day challenge will help to incorporate a new healthy habit which is definitely useful. And it is ok to rest from it all


I have learned a great deal regarding disability and the academic accomadations required of them.  The materials presented in these modules are useful and appropriate to facilitate learning in the class. I have had the priviledge of educating students who have been medically diagnosed with some form of temporary or permanent disability.  Now I have an added resource to further assist my students.

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