Jeff Kemmerer

Jeff KemmererCHEP

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I will pre read the information to make sure it is not gender bias. I will also make sure that students as well as myself are more sensitive to this issue. I belive that a well thought out message at the start of the new class can lwt the students know where you stand on the issue and could also open up lines of communication for those that feel like they are being targeted. This is an issue that has to have communication.... you can't tell anything important about a student just by looking at them.

I am a creature of habbit so starting this 21 day routine could be just what the Dr. ordered to help me not burn out. also to improve my life here at work and at home.

It's funny to me that some times in a class room when you ask a question (especially if its a general question) everyone in the class answers at the same time. I've had better conversations at a Sammy Hagar concert!!! :) I can see where this information could not only work on the net but in the class room as well.
I have told my students for years that most tests are simple true/false. We take ASE style tests and it doesn't matter if it is a multiple choice, Tech A, Tech B or a true false question. All of these can be answered like they are a True/False question. One question at a time, one answer at a time, one choice at a time ...Its all TREU or FALSE!!!

Being in a technical school I use the question the question technique on a daily basis. I feel that it is important to have the student come up with the right answer by guiding them with leading questions. Kind of a follow the leader excersise. When the student askes a question in the lab I answer by asking a simple question that has direct relavance to what was asked; and lead them to the right answer. One tip is that if they get stuck help them out to keep it moving along. A student feels pride when they realize they… >>>

One of the hardest things to get a handle on when we learn that there is more than one way to learn, is to know how to incorporate all the different learning styles into a lesson plan. For several years we have given the students a booklet so they can see that not everyone learns the same way. When it comes to making sure that the students will have their style incorporated into the lesson plan it can create an almost chaotic environment. Chaotic not in a bad way though. Having the information available in all forms & styles is… >>>

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I feel that when the students are in the class, if they are going to stay and learn from me I have to let them know I care. One on one, person to person I want them to have the chance to get their dream job.
I really like some of the intervention approaches in this section. I feel that not every problem will require this amount of involvement. Some of the problems that they have could be issues that the instructor may have delt with personally and can help by talking about their own dealings when in a similer situation.
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Most of the students are now from the WHY generation. This generation is a generation that has been bombarded with media from the time they were babies. I feel that we still cater to the snore and pour technique when it comes to orentation and retention. We put them in rooms and have speaker after speaker puking information at them by the bucketfull. I feel that the WHY generation student would feel much better if we used the media that they grew up with to help them in retention, orentation and in the class room.... oh yea, our campus is… >>>

I don't think that one is enough. I know it puts more work on the parties involved but there should be an option of when. The school might also come up with an orientation the student could do one line and get credit for, after all the kids now adays live online....and on phone(hahahaha)

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