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Student Customer Service | Origin: ED209

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Students as Customers --> Student Customer Service

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Good customer service keeps students

Students of higher learning institutions are technically considered customers because they are being charged for the education they are receiving, however we cannot treat students as if they are customers and "the customers always right" mentality, because they need to be independent and focused on the materials they are being taught and make sound and responsible decisions.

Students are, our primary customers.  Treated fairly, listening is a key point to ther success. Willingness to listen, is hard when many distractions occur.  It is best, to set aside time to listen to the issues, rather than acting first.

Comment on LaurIene Medina's post: I agree that communication is important

Comment on Sharon Sims-Drew's post

Good stuff to keep in mind and be aware of:

  1. Listens attentively.
  2. Communicates in the student's style whether it be in person, by phone, or using technology.
  3. Treats students fairly and equally.
  4. Creates a close interpersonal relationship with a student to minimize any negative effects.


Student- centered learning and communication are key parts in student education.

Students as customers is definitely an interesting topic.  I agree with the customer-oriented instruction guidelines provided:  Listen attentively, Treat students fairly and equally, and create a closer personal relationship with students to minimize any negative effects.  Instructors are tools for the student to learn.  

Respect is essential with interpersonal interactions regardless of being a business or educational situation.

Although students are customers their educational outcome should be the focus

Appreciate the study showing the relationship is affected when treating the student as a customer when it is not student oriented.

Students should not be viewed as customers.  They should be viewed as investments that require dedication from teachers and administrators.

I learned about the customer-friendly service and institution which is student focused, accounts for the student needs and preferences, committed to effective and responsive solutions, flexible and creative people working at the institution, and professional performance. 

The student should feel like they are receiving the education they are paying for. 

We as instructors need to have good communication skills when speaking to the student's.  Without the students, schools would not be able to give them an education.  In a sense they are the "customer".  However in a buisness if a customer is upset they may tell ten of their friends.  I feel that students can do that as well.  

We all have been in a situation were a student feels they are right when they haven't been.  Again, we all need to have good communication skills.  Dealing with a student or customers can be difficult.  How we react and communicate can make the difference in the outcome.

Students as a customer is different from a business customer. The focus is to be customer oriented by taking into consideration the needs and preferences of students. I hope to implement this philosophy in my dealings with students.

It is all about open communication. 

As an instructor, it is my responsibility to do the best I can to teach/support my students so they can achieve their goals. If I do not do this then I am failing the student as well as the school. 

Students are not just customers, we need to understand each student to and cater to each one for each student is a different person. There is not just one way to deal with students.

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