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It is best to be as concise and specific up front to avoid obsfuction, by preparing and publishing documents such as a course outline and syllabus containing acheivable goals, objectives and comprhensible details of what is expected of each student. 

I have learned the importance of how; the curriculum, course outline, lesson plan, goals, objectives, learning activities, methoids of instruction and resource materials.holistically blended, make excellent instruction.



4 components of instructional objectives: audience,behavior, condition, degree


By giving the class a overview of the class and what to expect.


First day checklists to make sure you spend time highlighting the most important areas of the syllabus


The need to be prepared is not just for the first class but for each class. It is important to keep a notepad handy to be able to follow-up on questions, support needed or supplies needed.

Check Lists Aid In Better Instrution For Learners and Course Objectives.

Teh five steps in creating a new course are to select content, set ambitious bt realistic goals, write strong objectives and a compehensive syllabus, and select the best presentation format. Being prepared, checking your classroom to ensure it is adequate comfortable and equipped with the necessary technical equipment and supplies helps to meet the students emotional needs for comfort, security and acceptance and helps them be ready to learn.  Organization is key to help you keep track of small support tasks for which students rely on you. I will ensure I arrive early at the classroom to ensure all is ready, and greet my students to develop, rapport and get a feel for the overall mood of the room and keep careful notes of the small administrative tasks I must do to keep the classroom running smoothly.

Prepare a list come early

Failing to plan is planning to fail

Planning and preparing carefully and in advance can reduce stress.

Be thourough with course outlines, objectives, expectations, grading criteria etc in the syllabus. 

Present yourself as a person first and then as an instructor. Use a checklist will help ease the first-class nerves and make sure that all of the important items have been covered.


Great reinforcement in my planning activity and delivery mode.

Being well prepared and following the lesson plans will keep you on time and allow you to anticipate the materials and equipment needed to accomplish the objectives well ahead of the actual day the materials are needed.


Being prepared is essential. It doesn't matter if it's preparing for your first class, working on a curriculum, objectives or lessons, making sure you do your due-dilligence and are prepared is going to make your job easier and improve your instruction.

Importance of properly completed Lesson Plans outling goals objectives and course structure


Be prepared, have a to do list and be on top of everything. Have a plan that will work for you and your students. Write notes. 

Be prepared, have a to do list and be on top of everything. Have a plan that will work for you and your students. Write notes. 

Be a person, put your students' needs at the center of your teaching, and keep a notepad with you to make sure to keep "promises".


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