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Impressionable minds are looking to you to set the example, so be a good one!

Model, Motivate and manage. Really take the time to be prepared before hand as that falls into professionalism. Take time to know yourself, your past, your students and your institution

Know the subject and be passionate about your subject to keep the students engaged. Do not try to be the "smartest" in the class. In addition, do not become a "pal" or "babysitter". 

Being an instructor does not make me the smartest person in my class.

In this lesson I learned the importance of self-development as an instructor, to try to be a model for the students, and the importance of motivating students and ways to do so.

Lead by example

What I learned is that listening and learning from seasoned peers is a great resource.  I also learned that there is always someone in the class who maybe smarter than myself.  Lastly, I learned to know who and what I bring to the class as the Educator, and that at the end of the day, I am the expert with the education, experience, and capability of leading the classroom.

If you expect professionalism from your students, you must demonstrate professionalism yourself.

Walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Having a professional development plan that one can easily follow is imperative. I know that I may be a SME in my field, but teaching is an evolving craft. The better I understand how to dialog with my students, the more they will be excited about moving forward in the field. I once had a culinary student who resisted taking a basic psychology course. I questioned him on the psychology of menus. Some are on the wall, some are paper, others are leather bound. The student then began to realize how important using psychology was to menu presentation. 

Model Manage and Motivate.  The 3 M's

The three major roles instructors play in the education process of students reiterated the importance of being professional and capable of motivating students to learn and grow in their knowledge and understanding of course content. Traits I've used throughout my military career and will now use as an adult educator.

I felt this was very informational and gave key points that are helpful to get over anxieties of being a first time instructor. It is different from training on the job versus teaching in front of a class.

I have learned that I not only need to know the material - I need to know how to present it correctly...

Set the standards and expectations, Lead by example, admit faults and Professionalism. 

The 5 C's  and 3 M's

Always det yourself up to continue learning. Doing this will be key in your success as well as your learners.

Lead by example, have an individual plan developed in the role as an instructor and leader in the classroom for your students, and don't try to prove to your students that you are smart because humility is important and you want the learning environment for your students to be open where they are engaged and are able to share their ideas, opinions, etc.

I learned quite a bit, but my biggest take-away is that students don't care how smart you are, they care that you care (about them and the subject). If they feel cared about, they just may do better in the subject because connection is important in the classroom.

You don't need to prove you are smart to your students - prove you are passionate!

Be the teacher you needed

Be someone worth following

Be Honest

Even tempered

and Dedicated

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