Amanda  Spencer

Amanda Spencer

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This module was essential for me.  Many items were valuable to me as teachng aids.  The 10/20/30 rule is excellent.  The Power Point slides are especailly good for me.  I did visit the web site for PP help it mentioned.  It is using Word 97 but it's still effectiive. I truly believe that capturing all of the student's attention by their senses is a wonderful way to help them retain information.  


I really like the "paper airplane" ice breaker!!  I'm going to use it!!!!

The first day is obviously as important as the last day. I did a lot of note taking.  First impressions can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, and they often set the tone for the relationship that follows.  I certainly value all that was written in this module.  First days have a new meaning to me now. 


Wow!!!  That was a lot of information!!!  I see that having structure is most important and strict guildlines to adhere to and also a checklist and note pad are extremely important. Seems much of the training I've received over the years was missing some key elements. 


Being an instructor involves so much more than just standing in front of a classroom of students and spewing out verbage.  I see from the lesson (and from my own thoughts) that if my heart isn't in it, the students won't be.  This inolves not only a heart for teaching but also a heart for people....students. If I'm excited about what I do and teach, this will be a contagious event in the classrom. 


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