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Preparedness shows students that you respect them and their time. Also, the importance of helping guest speakers be prepared so their class appearance is beneficial to everyone.


Being prepared well in advance of the class and knowing the material to be taught for that day.  Also making sure everything is available for the students to learn and reference if any questions should arise.


It's important to arrive early and prepared. Also to observe other teachers and to make adjusts to my teaching style based on the reactions from the students


Preparation for class is very important because student may ask questions that you may not know. So preparing and mastering the subject matter for next day's class is very important.

This module has made me realize how being a teacher truly is similar to being an orchestra conductor.  There are so many things to consider.  It requires self-reflection, a willingness to change, effort to really know and understand your students, organization, and creativity.  I think starting with a good lesson plan will provide the opportunity to incorporate all of these things into my instructional methods.

Excellent module. My take-homes were the observation sheet, the way to handle guest lectures, and the self-relfection and journaling. All excellent ideas!

prepared coming to class with materials and letting the students know what I am about

Find your weakness in education (teaching) make it your strength.

Preparation is everything and incorperating real world experiences into the classroom is huge when you teach career focused classes.


Course prep work and instructional organization are coverd well in this midule

Being prepared is critical, as the students watch everything you do. Fumbling for papers, handing out papers with spelling mistakes will be pointed out immediately.

This module has reiteratted the need to be organized, know your subject and teach with examples, realize the differences in each individual student and have understanding that things might be different for everyone.  One teaching style usually isn't the best.  Incorporate several teaching styles into your teaching to reach multiple people.  


Be early ,be prepared ,connect with your students, be approachable,everyone learns differently, find the 'sweet spot' and get your students attention there is always  a way to find the hookup to their minds whether it's in a class or in the field and sometimes in the field works better when you see it in action

This module shared different styles of teaching and what is needed


Usihg reflection to improve my teaching.  The progress that I make will depend on improvements.  Keeping a journal to make a few notes after teaching a class will allow me to go back and look at what I did well and maybe where I need to improve,  Writing in the journal at the moment will help me to reflect on what is best for my students and their prgress.


Knowing yourself as an instructor is key.  Knowing your type and your level of commitment to what you are doing and your dedication to our students.

This module gave me some insight. Take HVAC students on a field trip, to a manufacturing plant of hot air furnaces and boilers.

Expanding their understanding of the product that may install.

Excellent material I can use to manage the classroom.

I really loved the analogy comparing the classroom to an orchestra. What an amazing way to describe it. That is exactly what it is. I gained a lot of perspective about what type of instructor I am, how to observe and direct the different types of students in attendance, and really make my classroom sing. 


You can be the class manager AND the instructor if you carefully evaluate yourself and educational setting as well as manage your resources, materials and time efficiently. understanding the different types of teaching styles and approaches others take will help you identify your own style as wll as hone in the skills to make your teachings more effective.


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