Kevin Duden

Kevin Duden

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This quote really struck me: "Maximum learning is going to occur when there is an immediate use of new acquired knowledge." I also liked many of the techniques for communicating effectively and use many of them already but could try some of the ones I don't.

In my situation, we have a standardized pre-test and a standardized post-test (summative). They are the same test and it is multiple choice. The program I teach has eight classes and I have 1000 students a year, so testing on every class or section would be very cumbersome. I think formative assessments would be better suited for my situation, i.e. short quizzes or even just an informal review of the previous classes.

In my situation, a constant flow of 1000 students a year, I need to develop more formative assessments along the course of the program. We already have a summative assessment, but it is really inadequate in my opinion.

I like the idea of having another student answer a question directed at the teacher. I think it allows the more advanced students to show their knowledge and stay more engaged. 

I am flirting with the idea of testing my students for their learning style and maybe having them wear a tag that designates it so I can know as I'm teaching which ones they have.

There's alot here. I guess it's confirmation that I'm doing some things right and maybe some ideas for improving other areas like varying delivery styles.

I can see how this information could be useful in a regular classroom setting. I work in a prison and my classes rotate through 8 sessions, on an ongoing basis, so there really is no first class. I also have a 1000 students a year so knowing them by name is near impossible. I could possibly incorporate some of this into the orientation class which is almost like a first class. We go over the entire program and they are given materials that are similar to text books and a syllabus. 

I tend to be pretty well-prepared but occasionally I will have not thought ahead about consumables or whatever and totally agree that it causes stress when I try to handle these things with a session looming.

Sometimes I wear my mood on my sleeve.  I need to be aware of how I am coming across to my students and show enthusiasm even if I'm not.

I like the ideas of collaborative learning groups (which I already use), journaling, learning logs, Catch Up. My supervisor is encouraging us to do things to help our students become more engaged.

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