Andrew Strebel

Andrew Strebel

Location: boise, idaho

About me

Computer lab instructor


Remembering, Understanding, and Applying should be valued at 20% each, to hold the majority of the grade. These basic concepts are essential for all students and future employees to know. But whiles these 3 are the majority, it does not mean it is more important or that we should not incorporate analyzing, evaluating and creating. These last three require greater in-depth skill and understanding. Not all students or employees are capable to completely grasp or have the desire to hone this higher form of learning. While this would be great for all students and employees to do, and I would… >>>

Be prepared and and ready for class by having materials ready.

Students definitely should be engaged throughout the course to gauge what they were taught by the materials, teacher, and fellow students. To be able to communicate with each other on an asynchronous platform can be challenging at times.

Online class format can be very universal

Only 6% of public schools offer online courses.

Being a guide on the side to encourage student conversations and for student to rely on each other and not the instructor.

Communication needs to be effective and consistent to foster student instructor relationship. 

Be consistent is your communication and procedures. Change according to feedback.

Feedback from students is absolutely important for the instructor and future students

This section contained a lot of online resources. I particularly found the copyright laws resources helpful.

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