Stephanie Cannon

Stephanie Cannon

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Lesson plans should be planned ahead. Have contingency plans in place if you are needed to redirect the class. 

Keeping PowerPoints clean and to the point is helpful to the students.

Having guest speakers, taking field trips, and keeping your classroom organized keeps the students engaged. 

Online counseling is effective by email.

Small groups work best for synchronous learning, by using video clips.

An online instructor can project themselves by academic credentials, experience, and engagement. 

Familiarize yourself with the technical support offered. Always ask the questions on the How, when and why?

I love the human factor approach. This is crucial to the art of teaching and for student retention. 

My takeaway from this course is that understanding each student and what motivates them, can be helpful with student retention. Understanding that each student comes from a different background is helpful in the guidance process. 

Model, manage, and motivate are the key concepts in effective teaching. 


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